UST Explorer

A Blog for Undeclared Students

Tag: advisors

We’re here to help and #peer2help

UST students, as we go into peak registration time/decisions about current semester registration changes (withdraw, p/f, and audit), please remember that UST advisors will be available to assist you through an all drop-in schedule. Please note the schedule below:

Friday, 4/19 – Monday, 4/29 (except weekends) 9:30 AM – Noon and 1 PM – 3:30 PM.

Please note: drop-ins are quick meetings (15 minutes or less) to provide course recommendations for the upcoming semester, as well as help with current class concerns/options. There may be waiting involved if it gets busy, so your patience is requested. You may or may not be able to see your own advisor, as you will see the first available advisor.

UST Peer Liaisons are available as well during this time. Please check out their ZOOM office hours (Zoom: if you would like some peer assistance: 


Registration Time is Upon Us! Still need help?

A Great Event this Week for your Registration Questions!

It’s that time again!!!

With summer registration ongoing and fall registration just around the corner…you may still have questions. Make sure to chat with your advisor, but also come out to get peer-related questions/concerns answered.  We will have some UST swag, tasty treats, a raffle, and more! We hope to see you there!University Studies Peer Liaison Registration Event When: Wednesday, April 20 from 11am to 1pm. Where: Perkins Student Center (Collins Room). Spend time with UST Peer Liaisons and advisors to help you with Summer/Fall 2022 questions or concerns

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