Undergraduate Research: What You Might Want to Know and How to Find out More

The following is from Undergraduate Research Program (URP)

What is Research?

Research is the process that leads to the creation of new knowledge and it takes many different forms across the whole range of academic disciplines. It includes, for example, the lab-based sciences and learning about the physical world, the social and behavioral sciences and their explorations of individuals, communities, nations, and the creative arts and their emphasis upon forms of expression. In every case, however, a researcher hopes to make an original contribution to the field, helping us all understand life and the world around us in a new way. Whatever your major, you can do research in it! To see the kinds of research students at UD have been doing, take a look at last August’s Celebratory Symposium where over 400 students presented their work: https://symposium.foragerone.com/udel/signup

Why Should I Get Involved in Research?

There are many reasons to get involved in research as an undergraduate, starting with the most fundamental that doing so deepens and enriches your entire learning experience. In other words, it’s something that allows you to get more out of your whole education at UD. Studies of students who participate in research also show they experience specific, concrete benefits that include:

  • Strengthening relationships with faculty
  • Creating a learning community with other researchers
  • Increasing leadership and communication skills
  • Improving self confidence
  • Increasing satisfaction with the undergraduate experience
  • Improving GPA
  • Strengthening applications to both graduate and professional school and employers

How Do I Get Involved in Research at UD?

There are lots of different ways: for example, you can volunteer to work with a faculty member or do an independent study, participate in paid academic year and summer experiences through the Undergraduate Research Program (URP), complete a Senior Thesis or other capstone project.

How do I Find Out More?

URP’s website has information about our programs and our contact information if you’d like to know more – or even if you don’t quite know what you might want to do. Please get in touch! We would love to hear from you!

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