Zizhuo is a former UST student who is now a senior Statistics major. Upon joining UD, Zizhuo didn’t know what he wanted to do in the future or what major he was interested in. Fortunately, he knows the importance of having a clear direction to enhance decision-making. He knew that he was good at calculations but not so much with writing. He considered majors like Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, and Statistics.
“UST provides more opportunities for students to learn about their interested majors to help them make a suitable choice. It gives them more chances to get in touch with knowledge that they are interested in, and they will have a clearer idea about what major they want to choose. “
Being in UST helped him to explore his interests and learn where his strengths are. He determined that even though he liked using computer software like Python and R to aid with data analysis and building models, he decided that computer science jobs were not for him. He had also realized he didn’t enjoy Finance. He chose Statistics because he enjoys working with and analyzing data.
Zizhuo was recently featured on UDaily. You can read the article here.