When I got to college in the fall, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I heard other people talking about their majors and what careers they wanted and I wondered how they knew all that when we’re only 18 years old. I never even heard of half the majors they have at UD; how could I pick something if I don’t know what it is?? Right now I’m taking a lot of different classes to meet my requirements and hoping I figure out what I want to do. – UST Freshman
I was a biology major when I entered UD. I always liked science when I was a kid so I thought that would be a good major for me. But after taking all those really hard classes like bio and chem and calc in freshman year, I decided I had enough and I switched to UST. It’s not that I mind working hard, but I don’t even like biology! So now I’m taking a class on choosing a major and considering what other things I’m interested in. – UST Freshman
It’s hard to believe I’m finishing my sophomore year soon. I am a very different person than when I came here as a freshman. It was hard for me to adjust to college even though I was a good student. I didn’t know how much things like trying to make friends and getting used to living with strangers would affect me. I almost transferred to a school closer to home at the end of my first semester, but now I’m glad I stuck it out. – UST Sophomore/Social Science Interest Area