
Faculty or staff members who wish to park on campus are required to have a valid permit at all times or use pay-to-park facilities. Daily permits are available to all Faculty and Staff who do not wish to register for a regular parking permit because they do not normally drive to campus but find, on occasion, that the use of a vehicle is a necessity. The permit may be purchased online and Daily permits are non-refundable.

Faculty and staff employed on the Newark Campus may register for Red, Gray, Central, Pearson, Gated Lot, Carpool, or Night/Weekend permits. Payroll deduction is available for benefited employees purchasing annual permits only. Academic permit pay methods include cash, check and credit card.

A son, daughter, or spouse of an employee associated with the University may use the employee’s parking privilege if the employee is not currently on campus and the vehicle parks in a lot for which they themselves are eligible to register (e.g., freshman commuter student must park in a Red Lot between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday – Friday even if the vehicle has a gray registration permit). Faculty and staff, when registering for a permit, must understand they are responsible for all violations issued to the permit(s) and/or vehicles assigned/registered to them. They agree to report to the Parking Office any changes that affect their parking eligibility. In addition, the employee authorizes the University to transfer all parking fines and late fees not paid after 30 days from the date of the decision of appeal or 30 days from the date of the violation, whichever is later, to Human Resources for payroll deduction or a collection agency.

Red Permits

Faculty and staff who receive may register for Red Lot permits for a fee. These permits are valid in red lots during hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and non-restricted lots after 5 P.M. and all day on weekends except during break periods when classes are not in session. During these periods red permits will be accepted in gray lots. If a red permit holder needs to park in a central or gray lot during the restricted hours, day passes can be purchased in advance or online.

Full-time benefited employees making less than $35,000 per year can obtain a red annual permit at a 50% discount.

Central and Gray Permits

Faculty and staff may register for Central and Gray Lot permits for a fee. Central, and Gray lots represent the largest number of parking lots on campus.  A Central permit is valid in Gray and Red lots.  A Gray permit is valid in Gray and Red lots.   

Pearson Lot, Central Gate and Garages

Faculty and staff may register for the Pearson Lot, Central Gate or Garage permits for a fee. Parking space in Pearson Lot, Central Gate or the Garages are limited and permits are sold on a “space available” basis. Central Gate or Gate Lot parking is available in Lot 21 located behind the Academy Building, Lot 37C located next to 25 Amstel Avenue, Lot 20C located at Carpenter Sports building, Lot 53C behind Pearson Hall, Lot 14C CFA parking garage on Amstel Avenue, Lot 34C located south of Morris Library, Lot 35C adjacent to Hullihen Hall, Lot 4C Perkins parking garage, and Lot 17C the parking garage adjacent to the Trabant University Center. Pearson Lot, Gate and Central Gate permit holders may not use regular color-coded spaces in the lot within or adjacent to those to which they are assigned or Central parking lots except as directed by Parking Services. Monthly parking permits for a parking garage may be purchased if space is available. This permit allows 24/7 parking in the garage, red lot parking and non-restricted lots after 5 PM Monday-Friday and all day on weekends. Monthly permits may not be renewed based on space availability in the garage.


Faculty and staff may register for a Staff Carpool permit for a fee. Carpool permits are issued annually and confer either Red, Gray, Central, Pearson, or Gate-Controlled lot privileges. Carpools with two members share the normal fee for the option chosen.  Additionally, each Staff Carpool permit will receive 15 virtual daily validations for use when more than one car must be on campus on a given day (the number of validations will be prorated based on the month the permit is purchased).

Night/Weekend Permits

Night/Weekend permits are valid in non-restricted lots after 5 PM, all day on weekends, and university holidays. It has no parking privileges on campus during restricted hours. Lot 21NW permits only allow access to the Academy Gate Lot from 5 PM – 3 AM on weekdays and all day on weekends.

Reserved Permits

Under rare and special circumstances, faculty and staff may apply for a Reserved Parking permit for a fee. A limited number of Reserved parking spaces are available on the Newark campus, and their locations will be determined by the Parking Services. Reserved permits may be for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday depending upon the fee paid. Persons registered for the reserved space shall be responsible for notifying the Parking Services if an unauthorized vehicle is parked in their space. Use of a reserved space by other than the registered owner is limited to persons who are granted permission by the owner and who are registered for a University permit for the lot in which the space is located, or who are valid visitors. Reserved space permit holders may not use regular color-coded spaces in the lot within which or are adjacent to those to which they are assigned except as directed by Parking Services. Residence Life and Housing full-time staff who are required to reside on campus have the option of choosing to register for a Gate, a Pearson, a Central, Gray, or Red permit. Staff may request a personal reserved space near their residence. Reserved spaces may not be available at all locations. Live-in staff members may request a service vehicle pass from their department allowing for short-term drop off-periods near their halls. When requested, service spaces may be utilized on a 24-hour basis during times when the University is closed. Spouses or Significant others of Residence Life and Housing full-time staff who are required to reside on campus will be eligible for parking at rates established for commuting students.