Account Information

Supporting researchers at University of Delaware

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Request An Account

All HPC users must be a stakeholder or sponsored by a investing-entity. Accounts are currently being added to both Caviness and Farber. Please use the before mentioned links for addition information on requesting accounts for for Caviness and Farber. .

Manage Account

For information about your account visit our System Accounting Page.
Here you will find information about the following.

Note: HPC User Account Sign In Required.

UDelNet ID Change Password

The Network Page will walk you through changing a a UDelNet ID password. This will not just change your HPC account password . This will change your UDelNet ID password for all of your UDelNet ID accounts (i.e. UD email, MyUD, etc.). These changes are only synced at noon and midnight daily.
Note: HPC User Account Sign In Required.

HPC Guest User Change Password

The HPC Change Password page will walk you through changing a HPC Guest User’s password.
Note: HPC User Account Sign In Required.