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HPC Support & Training


The Research Computing Team is here to help you with all of your Community Cluster needs. We can help you with

  • downloading and troubleshooting software on a cluster
  • programming and debugging
  • troubleshooting network problems
  • and much more!

The HPC Wiki provides documentation for IT-supported hardware and software environments, instructions, and tutorials on their use for the community clusters. This site also includes a getting started guide and tutorials about using UNIX to help you get started using your HPC resource.

HPC-Ask Google Group: hpc-ask is Google group established to stimulate interactions within UD’s broader HPC community and is based on members helping members. Anyone can request membership.

Check the status of particular nodes on Mills or Farber.

We also periodically offer the UNIX Basics Series–a series of training’s on topics like Regular Expressions, VALET, Grid Engine, and Matlab and array jobs. The Research Computing Team will also do specific software training for research groups upon request. Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates about upcoming events like this one!

If you have any questions please contact us! If we can’t directly answer your questions, our staff will get you in contact with someone who can.