IT-RCI Workshop Series October 3-11

This is the first series of workshops IT-RCI will be offering in the month of October. Please note that most of these workshops are prerequisites for the second series of workshops offered October 17-31. Please make sure you register for all workshops as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All registrations will close by noon the day before the workshop’s scheduled date or earlier if capacity of room is reached and there is no remote option available.

Introduction to Linux/Unix Hands-on Workshop (Part 1)

This hands-on workshop is an introduction to the Linux/Unix operating system covering basic concepts such as the CLI (command-line interface), navigating files and directories, input/output redirection and using a text editor presented in-person by the UDIT Research CyberInfrastructure group.

Prerequisites: None

Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024
Time: 2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Location: Studio B (305 Pearson Hall)


Date: Friday, October 4, 2024
Time: 10:00AM – 11:30AM EST
Location: Studio B (305 Pearson Hall)

Registration is required and will be closed when the number of registrants reaches the limit of 48 for each date.

Introduction to Linux/Unix Hands-on Workshop (Part 2)

This hands-on workshop is an introduction to the Linux/Unix operating system covering more advanced concepts such as file permissions, data transfer, compress/decompress files, environment variables and shell scripts presented in-person by the UDIT Research CyberInfrastructure group.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Linux/Unix Registration (Part 1) or familiarity with CLI, navigating files and directories, input/output redirection and using a text editor.

Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Time: 2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Location: Studio B (305 Pearson Hall)


Date: Friday, October 11, 2024
Time: 10:00AM – 11:30AM EST
Location: Studio B (305 Pearson Hall)

Registration is required and will be closed when the number of registrants reaches the limit of 48 for each date.

Introduction HPC Workshop

This workshop is an introduction to HPC (High Performance Computing) covering basic concepts such as connecting and SSH keys, workgroups, HPC components, file systems, data management, data transfer methods, software and VALET, and running jobs with Slurm presented by the UDIT Research CyberInfrastructure group in-person and via Zoom.

Prerequisites: Basic Linux knowledge, basic bash scripting and basic programming experience or attended Introduction to Linux/Unix Hands-on Workshop (Part 1 and 2).

Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: 1:00PM – 3:00PM EST
Location: Studio C (304 Pearson Hall) or via Zoom

Registration is required and you will be sent a Zoom link the day before if you register for remote. There is an in-person limit of 25.