- Date: September 27th, 2017
- Time: 10:00AM-12:00PM
- Location: 116 Pearson Hall, Faculty Commons
Zubaer Hossain Research Group to discuss ultratough nanocomposites
Presented By: Mr. Tengyuan Hao, 2nd year MS student; Mr. Tousif Ahmed, 2nd year PhD student; Mr. Fazle Elahi, 2nd year PhD student.
The fall 2017 High Performance Computing Symposium session on Wednesday, Sept. 27 was kicked off by IT Research Computing staff announcing the plans to use Penguin as the vendor for the next community cluster using the Tundra Extreme Scale (ES) design. They also reminded attendees about the upcoming HPC workshops, and the new advanced training available by request. Jeff Frey, IT-NSS, opened the presentation for Zubaer Hossain, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and his research group.
Jeff Frey led the presentation with a discussion about the specific software build and workflow process he developed for the Hossain research group. Hossain’s presentation, “Quantum-Continuum Design of Ultratough Nanocomposites,” addressed the role of computer modeling in designing materials, specifically, nanoscale mechanisms and mechanical properties for designing lightweight nanocomposites, thin-film photovoltaics, and van der Waals heterostructures. They also described how they are using Rclone to sync files and directories to and from various cloud services. Rclone is now available on Farber accessible via VALET package, rclone.
The presentation was followed by an hour-long open forum where the Hossain research group fielded questions from attendees and the IT Research Computing staff answered general questions and comments about HPC resources.
This presentation is one of a series of meetings designed for researchers using or interested in using the University’s HPC clusters. Those interested in presenting a future HPC Symposium should contact it-hpc-interest@udel.edu.