UD-IT HPC Team Discussion

Presenters: Anita Schwartz, Jeffrey Frey, Bill Totten, and Dean Nairn

The IT HPC team plans to lead discussions on the following topics:

  • Mills end-of-life policy, including how jobs will be affected by the implementation of spillover queue starting Feb. 29 2016.
  • Benchmarking jobs
  • Specifying resources such as memory, standby and exclusive
  • Lustre Storage System
Those interested can request other topics to be agenda when registering.

This symposium session is intended to be a working session. Researchers should bring their own laptops to work with IT HPC staff to resolve issues or discuss other topics.

For more information about this symposium see “Mills: Job Scheduling Change“, “Benchmarking Jobs: Computational Models For Running Matlab on a Shared Cluster“, and “Getting Started with Farber