Judging Contest Resources

Judging Contests are designed to support the learning that is taking place in a project area. 4-H members learn to compare and become familiar with project equipment and terminology.  Judging teaches critical thinking and decision-making skills. These skills are valuable Continue reading Judging Contest Resources

Scholarship Opportunity

Whitetails Unlimited, Delaware Chapter, is offering two $2,500 scholarships. These scholarships are available to qualifying seniors who plan to pursue a major associated with Wildlife and Forestry Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Management, Wildlife Biology, and/or Wildlife Ecology and Management. If Continue reading Scholarship Opportunity

2022 4-H and FFA Rate of Gain Educational Contest

Sponsored by the Delaware Farm Bureau 1. This event is open to all enrolled 4-H and FFA youth. Youth that are enrolled in both the 4-H and the FFA program are only eligible for one award per species of livestock. Continue reading 2022 4-H and FFA Rate of Gain Educational Contest

Delaware 4-H Avian Bowl Contest

Saturday July 30, 2022 Delaware State Fair 4-H Centre Harrington, Delaware 1:00 pm   General Rules, Regulations and Entry For special accommodations in accessing this event please notify the extension office one month prior to the event. 1. Selection of Continue reading Delaware 4-H Avian Bowl Contest

2021 Delaware 4-H Hippology Contest

2021 Delaware 4-H Hippology Contest   Virtual Format Registration Link: https://www.pcsreg.com/hippology2021 Registration due : December 17, 2021   Objectives: To provide youth with the opportunity to blend the knowledge and skills acquired in horse judging, horse bowl, demonstrations, and public speaking showing Continue reading 2021 Delaware 4-H Hippology Contest