
Black Histories at UD StoryMap featured in UDAILY

Posted on January 31, 2025 at: 8:23 pm

The UDARI Black Histories at UD Committee was recently featured in a UDAILY article highlighting the committee’s Black Histories at UD StoryMap. The StoryMap connects previously under-studied histories, now coming to light thanks to ongoing work by UDARI researchers and community partners, to specific sites on UD’s Newark campus and the city of Newark. A dynamic resource to which future researchers can add, the StoryMap can continue to accrue layers of history and be updated with new findings. It is the work of past UDARI interns Tara Lennon and Elisa Davila, with the assistance of members of UDARI’s Campus Tours Committee, Legacies of Enslavement and Dispossession at UD committee, UDARI advisor Alison Parker, and UD Library Digital Scholarship Librarian
Kayla Abner.

This digital project is a first step in realigning campus histories to honor important Black stories
while acknowledging the ways that the University of Delaware has benefitted historically from unfreedom and perpetuated racism. The Campus Tours committee continues to work toward
commemorating Black histories at the University of Delaware more widely and in more permanent and visible ways.

Click here to view the article.

American Indian and Indigenous Relations Committee featured in UDAILY

Posted on October 27, 2024 at: 7:02 pm

On October 10, the University of Delaware hosted “Indigenous Delaware, Nanticoke Land Stewardship and Language Revitalization,” a public event spotlighting Indigenous initiatives. Nanticoke members Courtney Streett and Karelle Hall shared their work on land stewardship and language preservation. Hosted by the UD Anti-Racism Initiative’s American Indian and Indigenous Relations Committee and the Delaware Environmental Institute, the event invited attendees to explore connections between people, language, and Delaware’s ecosystems. Please see the full article linked here:

UDARI Faculty Fellows in UDAILY

Posted on at: 6:39 pm

The University of Delaware Anti-Racism Initiative (UDARI) continues its mission of promoting diversity and social justice with several new projects and faculty appointments. This year, UDARI welcomed three faculty fellows, who will engage in community outreach and scholarship to advance inclusivity on campus. Additionally, UDARI faculty and students are researching Delaware’s role in school desegregation, supported by a National Park Service grant, and aim to develop a Black history curriculum for local schools. Through these initiatives, UDARI remains committed to raising awareness of social equity and fostering a more inclusive university environment. Please see the following link to read the full article:

UDARI on Delaware Public Media

Posted on May 12, 2023 at: 11:20 am

UDARI Legacies of Slavery and Dispossession committee member Taylor Brookins recently spoke with Delaware Public Media last week about some of the UDARI research on enslavement and dispossession. Please see link and description below.

History Matters: University of Delaware Research Project Examines UD’s History with Slavery,” The Green (Delaware Public Media, May 12, 2023),

“A group of University of Delaware faculty and students are working on a research project covering UD’s historical relationship to slavery, unfree labor, land dispossession, and racism.In courses and independent studies, the student-led “Legacies of Slavery and Dispossession” project delves into the involvement of past university leaders with forms of unfree labor in the 18th and 19th centuries, including the 20th-century effects of UD’s growth on Newark’s Black community.In this edition of History Matters, Delaware Public Media’s Joe Irizarry talks with UD assistant history professor Dael Norwood and National Park Service historian and UD Ph.D. student Taylor Brookins to learn more about the project and its findings.”

UDARI response to hateful action in Memorial Hall

Posted on May 9, 2023 at: 12:59 am

Dear UD Anti-Racism Initiative Friends,

We are sharing a statement written by concerned faculty members in Memorial Hall:

On the morning of May 8th, a faculty member noticed a swastika and threatening message drawn by an individual or group on a poster advertising a drag queen performance on the office door of a Jewish faculty member in the English Department. As soon as it was noticed, this violent symbol of oppression and genocide was immediately removed and reported. This is a deplorable act for which there is no room in the University of Delaware community. 

As members of the UD community, we reaffirm that hate has no place at the University of Delaware or in Memorial Hall. Respect and inclusion are essential to our work in our classrooms, in our research, and in our university community. We assert that the University of Delaware is a place where all are free to learn in a safe and welcoming environment. We affirm our commitment to people of all genders, sexualities, and faiths, and stand with Jewish, queer, and trans members of our community. We condemn both this specific action and actions that target members of the University of Delaware community for their race, sexuality, gender, ability, religion, or any other aspect of their identity, embodiment, or experience.

To affirm your commitment to this statement, please sign below. 

Statement Denouncing Hateful Action in Memorial Hall (


Alison, Emerald, and Lynnette

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