January Post

Breathing Techniques From Our GEM Curriculum

Alternate Nostril Breathing 👃🏻

This breathing technique is best practiced in a seated pose like crisscross
applesauce so you may find a space on the floor next to you to sit.
This breathing technique has us cover one nostril at a time, alternating which nostril is
covered as we breathe in and out.

Let’s start by first covering our right nostril.
INHALE through the left nostril until your chest is full
SWITCH sides by covering your left nostril, and EXHALE through your right nostril
INHALE through your right nostril until your chest is full
SWITCH sides by covering your right nostril, and EXHALE through your left nostril
This type of breathing promotes a calm mind and relaxed body

Did you know that only a quarter of students report that vaping poses a great risk, while nearly two-thirds of students believe that there is great risk in smoking a pack of cigarettes?


Healthy Living Retreat

Looking ahead to April 21st and 22nd, mark your calendars for the 2023 Healthy Living Retreat in Hockessin, DE at the Girls Scouts of Chesapeake Bay Camp Facility!

Teens and adult mentors will be invited for a weekend retreat.

Click and Register Here for the Healthy Living Retreat




This month’s $100 Amazon Plogging Gift card goes to…

Cynthia Newton and her young ploggers at Capital Park in Kent County!

Way To Go!

National Drug Facts Week- March 20th – March 26th

Visit our website’s Upcoming Events Page for more information: Here


March 12, 2023

Register Here: Facts Week

For more information or questions, feel free to reach out to Lindsay Hughes at lgooden@udel.edu


Enjoying healthy food
Delaware Fit Biz is not just another worksite wellness program, but a menu of health behavior change strategies designed to create a culture of health within Delaware worksites. Through the implementation of policy, systems and environmental changes (PSEs), supported by technical assistance, marketing and coordinated educational programming, Delaware Fit Biz will ensure that the healthiest choice is the easiest choice for your employees!

The FitBiz program is available to worksites interested in making the healthy choice the easy choice for employees. Interested sites will submit an interest form, and a Cooperative Extension Agent will follow up to discuss program requirements and payment. The program costs $50/worksite; however, financial scholarships are available for worksites that qualify.

Fit Biz offers a learning collaborative model where worksites can learn strategy recommendations from University of Delaware Cooperative Extension and learn from other worksites that are working to implement changes.
The program is 6 virtual sessions covering various topics related to creating healthier workplaces. Interested worksites may also be eligible for an on-site technical assistance visit from University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.

Topics include:
● Session 1: Overview of Delaware Fit Biz Program, Worksite Wellness Committees, Healthy and Productive Meetings
● Session 2: Dining & Menu Guidelines for Worksite Cafés and Healthy Vending
● Session 3: Worksite Farmers Markets, Community Supported Agriculture Programs (CSAs), and Worksite Community Gardens
●Session 4: Hydration and Physical Activity Clubs
●Session 5: Breastfeeding-Friendly Worksites
●Session 6: Alcohol, Tobacco & Drug Prevention and Stress Reduction

FINANCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE. Upon receipt of the interest form, a Cooperative Extension agent will follow up to learn more about your worksite to determine eligibility for scholarship.

This material was funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – SNAP.

Registration Deadline: January 9, 2023

Register Here

Calling all Health and Wellness Ambassadors

Join us for our next Zoom session

January 19th, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm 

and learn more about how to get involved as an ambassador! 

Questions about joining?
Contact Alyssa Whittaker
Join us for our next Zoom session by registering below.
Details/Zoom Link will be sent to you upon registration a week prior to the meeting.

Register Here

Youth Day at UD Men’s Basketball

4-H family and friends are invited to reserve seats for this fun event. Area mascots will join YouDee to greet fans and participate in on-court fun. Post game autographs and a video board group shout out to 4-H bring extra spirit to the event. 

Delaware vs. Northeastern

Saturday, January 28, 2023, 12:00-2:00 PM

Reserve your tickets by January 18, 2023.

Register HERE: Youth Day

Tickets must be pre-paid through your county 4-H office by cash or check made out to the “University of Delaware” by January 18, 2023.

Coordinated by Betsy Morris, betsym@udel.edu, Summit Bridge Club

Dates to Remember

January 2023: New Walk With Ease series begins

March 20023: National Drug Facts Week- March 20th – March 26th

Spring 2023: Looking ahead to April 21st and 22nd, mark your calendars for the 2023 Healthy Living Retreat in Hockessin, DE at the Girls Scouts of Chesapeake Bay Camp Facility! Teens and adult mentors will be invited for a weekend retreat.