Lazy 8 Breathing

Get in an upright seated position with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, roll
shoulders back, make sure you can breathe easily. In this exercise, you’re going to
imagine a #8 laying on it’s side, and trace the shape of the figure 8 while breathing
deeply. You can trace the lazy 8 in the air, on your desk, or on your leg.

lazy 8 breathing

Starting at the star…
INHALE for 3 seconds, as you trace the LEFT half of the figure 8
When you hit the star, EXHALE for 3 seconds, tracing the RIGHT half
This breathing technique gives us an opportunity to relax a little bit and slow our

Major Health Risks

Did you know, the flavoring found in e-liquids that are placed inside of the vaping devices result in severe health disorders, such as popcorn lung

For more information go to Healthy Living

This is Amazing!

Our awareness and prevention classes on the dangers of vaping reached over 150 students statewide in October!

A Big Shout Out 📣 goes to the 2022 HAWAs for completing their first virtual session of Youth Advocates for Health Training!

Continue joining us the 3rd Thursday of each month from 4:00pm-5:00pm email for details, or register here

HAWA, Austin is taking part in our monthly 5Ks sponsored by the Sussex Health Coalition!

Way to go Austin! 🏃‍♂️

There is still time to register for the 2022 Gobble Wobble in Felton on November 20th. 

October’s Walk with Ease initiative was a striding success with 57 people total were registered for the Fall 2022 Walk With Ease series

Our next Walk With Ease series starts in January 2023!

In addition, we are currently recruiting Master Wellness Volunteers!

Our next volunteer training will also begin in January 2023. For more information on either programs contact Nancy Mears at

Plogging For Purple

Our Plogging for Purple event at Battery Park in Old New Castle was a success!! We gathered more than 75 pounds of trash~ WaHoo!

plogging at battery park old new castle

This month’s $100 Amazon Plogging Gift card goes to…

Jacqueline Lukawski

🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉

Plogging Continues…

Please keep plogging through the month of November!

And remember to email Karen Johnston ( the number of pounds you have collect. Once she receives your amount your name will go into the raffle hat for the $100 Amazon gift card.

Dates to Remember

HAWA : December 3rd. On Saturday, December 3rd our HAWAs will meet in-person at the NCC Extension office on Wyoming Rd from 10:00am-2:00pm. HAWAs come ready for team-building, a fun holiday activity, and volunteer projects.

January 2023: New Walk With Ease series begins

Spring 2023: Looking ahead to April, mark your calendars for the 2023 Healthy Living Retreat in Cape Henlopen April 21-23! Teens and adult mentors will be invited for a weekend retreat. Stay tuned for details.