Payment Card/PCI
The University of Delaware provides several approved payment card (credit or debit) solutions for the merchants on campus to accept payment cards in-person, online and over the phone. The University requires the use of PCI validated point to point encrypted (P2PE) payment solutions.
All merchants that accept credit cards must adhere to the details of the Payment Card Program , including maintaining the requirements of PCI compliance to prevent a data breach. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of protocols developed to ensure the proper use and protection of cardholders’ personal information to reduce fraud. In order for University of Delaware merchants to be able to continue accepting credit cards, these protocols must be followed and attested to annually. These standards include use of hardware and software with PCI validated P2PE, written policies and procedures for managing devices and annual training around the PCI DSS standards.
The University has partnered with Arrow Payments to provide departments with support in selecting and implementing approved payment solutions, as well as the support of those solutions. The Arrow Payments team can be reached at and (312) 829-1200.
If your department would like to accept payments cards, please first review the University Payment Card Program to understand your responsibilities, then reach out to to start the process.
Below are links to the University of Delaware’s Payment Card Program Policy and procedure manual, applications to become a new merchant and multiple resources that have been designed to help our University Merchants comply with the standards and best practices.
- University Payment Card Program
- PCI One Pager
- UD Application to Accept Payment Cards
- UD PCI Device Inventory and Tampering Checklist (Single)
- UD PCI Device Inventory and Tampering Checklist (Multiple)
- UD Department Payment Card Plan