SAPA Updates, Week 10

Below you will find updates for this week:

STUDENT APPRECIATION SOCIAL: Stop by Kildare’s (45 East Main Street Newark, DE 19711) this Friday (November 2nd) at 5:30PM to meet and socialize with current SPPA students! (P.S. there’s free food)! Hope to see everyone there!


FEDERAL RESUME SESSION: On Friday, November 9th, SAPA will be hosting a Federal Resume session. Our speaker will be Marianne Green, who is trained in the federal resume process and owns her own resume advising company. The resume session will begin at 9AM in Graham Hall Room 187. Anyone who is considering a career with the federal government is welcome to attend!

ELECTION NIGHT PARTY: Sad because your candidate lost? Overwhelmed with joy because your candidate won? Not sure what is going on but need a break from studying? Don’t worry; you’ll be among friends! On Tuesday, November 6th, SAPA will be sponsoring a potluck and BYOB event to celebrate the end of election season. The event will begin at 7PM and will be hosted by Paul Ruiz and Jason Bourke (18 Marvin Drive, Apartment B6, Newark, DE 19713). If you can’t bring food or refreshments, just bring yourself! We simply ask that you check your harsher, more belligerent politics at the door. If you have any questions about the event, please contact Allison Rice ( or join the event on Facebook here.

For more updates, please take a look at our tenth weekly mailer here.


SAPA Board


SAPA Updates, Week 9

Below you will find updates for this week:

SAPA’s November 2nd General Meeting has been canceled. The SAPA Board has decided to host a “Student Appreciation Social” in its place. The Social will begin at 5:30PM at Kildare’s (45 East Main Street Newark, DE 19711) on Friday, November 2nd. Hope to see everyone there!

Committee Updates: For up –to-date information on SAPA Committees, please click here.

October Fundraiser Update: Only FIVE guess cards have been submitted for a chance to win SAPA’s M&M Jar. If you really love peanut M&M’s, stop by SPPA’s Front Office (Graham 184), fill out a guess card, and drop the card along with a donation of $1 or more into the donation box! Remember, the more guesses you make, the greater the chance you’ll win the entire jar!

SPPA Alumni Association (Help Wanted): On April 10th, 2012, SPPA’s Alumni Association is hosting a fundraiser. If you are interested in joining the Alumni Association’s April Fundraiser Planning Committee, please email Kathryn Lonczewski ( Joining the Planning Committee is a great opportunity to work closely with our alumni and network with professionals. Also, the April fundraiser benefits SPPA students.

Delaware Association for Public Administration (DAPA): DAPA is hosting its Fall luncheon on Wednesday, October 31st at Timothy’s (on the Riverfront), 930 South Justison Street, Wilmington, Delaware. Attending the luncheon is a great way to meet public service professionals and other students who share your passion for public administration. To register, please visit ** Please register for the event by October 25th.

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Event: There are only FOUR spots left on the Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Team! If you would like to participate in the event being held on November 10th in Wilmington, Delaware, please email Matt Parkhurst ( as soon as possible! For more information about the event, please click here.

For more updates, please take a look at our ninth weekly mailer here.


SAPA Board

SAPA Updates, Week 8

Below you will find updates for this week:

SAPA’s third General Meeting will be held on November 2nd, 2012 at 5:45PM in Graham Hall Room 187. Hope to see everyone there!

PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE WATCHING PARTY: Kathryn Lonczewski, SAPA Vice President, will be hosting a Presidential Debate Watching Party at her apartment tonight. The event will begin at 8:30PM. Feel free to contribute a snack or beverage. Please RSVP by emailing When you RSVP, you will receive a follow up email with directions to her apartment.

GOVERNMENT BY AND FOR MILLENNIAL AMERICA CONVERSATION: On Wednesday, October 17th, Roosevelt Institute at U.D. is hosting a workshop. The topic of the workshop will be: Obstacles to an ideal democracy. The event will begin at 5:30PM in Gore Hall Room 115. If you are passionate about government policy, politics, or social change, come out and join the conversation! If you can’t attend the event, click here to get a glimpse of a blueprint for 21st Century governance…Built by you.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEER EVENT: Matt Parkhurst, Continuing Ed Representative, has put together a Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Event! The event will be held on Saturday, November 10th, 2012 in Wilmington, Delaware. The event is unfortunately limited to nine people, so if you would like to be a part of the Habitat Volunteer Team on November 10th, please email Matt at as soon as possible! For more information about the event, please click here.

For more updates, please take a look at our eighth weekly mailer here.


SAPA Board

SAPA Updates, Week 7

Below you will find updates for this week:

SAPA  would  like  to  thank  all  of  the  students  who  were  able to  attend  last  week’s  meeting! To view minutes from our Second General Meeting, please click here. Our third General Meeting will be held on November 2nd, 2012 at 5:45PM in Graham Hall Room 187. Hope to see everyone there!

–FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Cimone Philpotts, SAPA Treasurer, has outlined a dynamic plan for fundraising efforts this year and needs some additional student support to carry it out. If you are interested in joining the Fundraising Committee, please fill out this online poll to help us schedule our first meeting of the semester!

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Members of the Professional Development Committee would like to extend an invitation to SPPA students who are interested in participating in study sessions to complete the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) application process. The PMF Program is a flagship leadership development program for current and recent students of advanced graduate degree programs. The successful completion of the program enables select candidates to start on a career path as entry-level public servants in the federal government. If you are interested in joining the study group, please click here and fill in your name and email address in an available row.  To learn more about the PMF program, please click here.

SAPA OCTOBER FUNDRAISER EVENT: For  the  month  of  October,  SAPA  will  be  hosting  a  “Guess   how  many  peanut  M&M’s  are  in  the  Jar”  Fundraiser!  The  fundraiser  will  kick  off  on  Tuesday,   October 10th. The jar full of  peanut  M&M’s  will  be  located  in  Graham  Hall’s front office (Graham 184). To enter for chance to win the entire jar, stop by Graham 184 anytime this month during office hours to fill  out  a  “guess  card” and drop it in the donation box along with your donation of $1 or more. **All  funds  raised  will  be  used  to  support  SAPA’s  Scholarship  Fund.  General  donations  to  SAPA   are always encouraged!

HOMECOMING KICK-OFF ALUMNI SOCIAL: Don’t  forget  to  register  to  attend  the  Homecoming Kick- Off Alumni Social! The event is being held on Thursday, October 18th, 2012 from 6PM to 8:30PM at  Catherine  Rooney’s,  102  E.  Main  Street,  Newark,  DE.  Tickets are only $10! This event is a great way to connect with new people and expand your professional network! To register for the event, please click here.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEER EVENT: Matt Parkhurst, Continuing Ed Representative, has put together a Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Event! The event will be held on Saturday, November 10th, 2012 in Wilmington, Delaware. The event is unfortunately limited to nine people, so if you would like to be a part of the Habitat Volunteer Team on November 10th, please email Matt at as soon as possible! For more information about the event, please click here.

For more updates, please take a look at our seventh weekly mailer here.


SAPA Board







Updates: UD’s Provost Search, SPPA’s Course Scheduling Plan & SAPA Workshop Recap

The Graduate Student Government ‘s (GSG) first meeting on Thursday 9/13 began with guest speaker Dean George Watson, Chair of the Provost Search Committee,  presenting students with information regarding UD’s search for a new Provost.  Dean Watson explained that the provost is the academic head of the university, overseeing the academic deans, the director of the library, and the dean of students. GSG President Emily Bonistall sits on the committee representing graduate students.

When the Search Committee was initially formed, President Harker discussed with Search Committee members what qualities provost nominees should possess. These qualities, along with supplemental selection criteria, can be found on the Committee’s Position and Candidate Specification document.   The Search Committee would like graduate student input; graduate students are encouraged to read the document and contact President Bonistall with feedback. The Provost Search Committee vets candidates and makes a recommendation to President Harker, who makes the final decision. Dean Watson also noted that this search is highly confidential. Thus, there will probably not be an opportunity for the public to meet the candidates – all the more reason to check out the position document!  Meeting minutes are available on the GSG website.

The first SPPA faculty meeting was held on Friday 9/14, and SAPA Board Members Jen Lazo, David Barnes, and Rachel Linstead Goldsmith attended.  The faculty reviewed reports on the incoming class, discussed the Doctoral Program Curriculum, and talked about recruitment strategies to ensure diversity and develop relationships with undergraduate schools.  The faculty also addressed course scheduling, which has become a problem for students and professors alike as course offerings have grown more complex over time (in the fall semester there are 109 sections, with 113 in the spring).

The Academic Curriculum Committee has created a course map for the next three years to identify holes that the current faculty cannot fill. The course map will help to justify requests for new hires, and will also create a database to manage course information.  The new system will be put into operation during the Fall 2013/Spring 2014 schedule.  Eventually, this system will be posted on SPPA’s website, and will include a schedule of course offerings for the next four years. Academic advisors will have access to the system to help students navigate their degree program plan.

On Thursday 9/20 SAPA hosted an overview workshop on how to approach abstract submissions.  There is an easy format you can use (check out these slides to see it) and you can seek funding to attend conferences (through the grad office, SPPA, and the research centers)!

SAPA Updates, Week 6

Below you will find updates for this week:

SAPA’s second General Meeting will be held this Friday, October 5th at 5:45PM in Graham Hall Room 187. Hope to see everyone there!

To view updates on UD’s Provost Search, SPPA’s Course Scheduling Plan, and SAPA’s Abstract Workshop, please click here.

2013 Legislative Fellow Program: Applications are now being accepted for the 2013 Legislative Fellows Program! The Legislative Fellows Program provides students with an opportunity to work directly with members of the Delaware General Assembly. The program is open to the University’s full-time graduate students and qualified junior- and senior-level undergraduate students. To learn more about the program, please click here.

Presidential Debate Watching Party: On October 16th, 2012 Kathryn Lonczewski (SAPA Vice President) will be hosting a Presidential Debate Watching Party at her apartment. The event will begin at 8:30PM. Feel free to contribute a snack or beverage. Please RSVP by emailing When you RSVP, you will receive a follow up email with directions to her apartment.

Homecoming Kick-Off Alumni Social: Don’t forget to register to attend the Homecoming Kick- Off Alumni Social! The event is being held on Thursday, October 18th, 2012 from 6PM to 8:30PM at Catherine Rooney’s, 102 E. Main Street, Newark, DE. Come out and join in the festivities, or stop by to meet new students and returning alumni! To register for the event, please click here.

For more updates, please take a look at our sixth weekly mailer here.


SAPA Board

SAPA Updates, Week 5

Below you will updates for this week:

SAPA Meetings: SAPA would like to thank all of the students who were able to make it to our first General Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Friday, October 5th at 5:45PM in Graham Hall Room 187. To view the tentative SAPA General Meeting Schedule for Fall 2012, please click here.

SAPA Committees: Committees are a fantastic way for students in SPPA to strengthen SAPA, increase SPPA’s standing, and give back to the community. If you would like to see what committees are currently in operation, please click here. If you would like to join an existing committee, please click here and fill in your name and email address in an available row. If you are interested in starting your own committee, send us an email at and we’ll guide you through the process.

Provost Search: Dean Watson is requesting graduate student feedback on the selection criteria that will guide UD’s Provost Search. The Provost is the academic head of the university, overseeing the academic deans, the director of the library, and the dean of students.   You can view the criteria at send your input to Emily Bonistall, President of the Graduate Student Government, at

SPPA Open House Recognitions: Has a professor or academic advisor made a difference in your life? Leland Ware, SPPA’s acting Director, has asked for students to please identify professors or advisors at schools within a 100-mile radius of UD who have made a profound impact on their development or success. Professors or advisors who have been referred will be invited to attend SPPA’s Open House on November 2nd and will be honored during the Open House program. To recognize a professor/advisor or view a list of the feeder schools that are within a 100-mile radius, please click here.**Please note, teachers and advisors from the UD community can also be recognized.

To view additional information, updates, and upcoming events, please view our fifth weekly mailer here.

To view General Meeting Minutes from SAPA’s first General Meeting on Friday, September 21st, please click here.

SAPA Board






SAPA Updates, Week 4

Below you will updates for this week:

–SAPA MEETINGS: Come out and support SAPA by attending our first General meeting of the Fall Semester. The meeting will be held on Friday, September 21st, 2012 at 5:45PM in Graham Hall Room 187. We hope to see you there!
** To view the tentative SAPA General Meeting Schedule for Fall 2012, please click here.

–STUDY ABROAD: Students, have you been thinking about studying abroad? It’s not too late to apply!

—-The Romania Study Abroad Trip has extended its deadline to Thursday, September 20th. If you are considering traveling to Romania, please make sure you contact Diana Simmons ( as soon as possible. To get an overview of the program costs and courses offered on this trip, please click here.

—-The Poland Study Abroad Trip application deadline is November 15th. To get an overview of the program costs and courses offered on this trip, please click here.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION WORKSHOP: All SPPA students are invited to attend a professional development workshop on Thursday, September 20th at 5:30PM in Graham Hall Room 187. The workshop will provide students with an overview of submission opportunities, a sampling of writing tools, and tips for success! Whether you are hoping to present a paper or poster, or develop a conference session, this workshop will enable you to learn the first basic step: writing an abstract.

To view additional information, updates, and upcoming events, please view our fourth weekly mailer here.

SAPA Board









UD Graduate Student Government (GSG) Retreat, Fall 2012

Last Week’s UD Graduate Student Government Retreat:

Over 50 grad students attended UD’s Graduate Student Government (GSG) fall retreat last Friday in Sharp Lab. Attendance included ‘senators’, representing graduate departments and programs, ‘proxies’, substituting for senators who could not attend, and ‘members’, interested grad students who can serve on committees and get involved with programs and events.  The retreat covered GSG’s initiatives, its new structure, and its new parliamentary meeting procedure derived from Robert’s Rules.

GSG’s initiatives are focused on promoting social events,professional development, and student advocacy.  The first social event of the year is a restaurant tour. The tour is being held on Friday, September 14th, and will showcase four of Newark’s Main Street restaurants (tickets are only $5!). Also, don’t forget to mark your calendars for a GSG tailgate on October 6th.

The GSG supervises a number of committees. Committees under the GSG that support social programming and organized professional development activities are the Communications, Events, and Social Committees.  These committees have planned some fantastic events for this academic year, which include a wine and cheese networking event and the Graduate Forum in the spring.

Last year the GSG exercised its advocacy role by speaking out on behalf of graduate students on a new International Student Center fee and a proposed Athletics fee. The GSG was also involved in addressing the Pinebrook bus stop changes, and assisted students in navigating the new health plan.  This year GSG’s Student Life Committee will be working to address student complaints about the need for reminders from the library before fines are issued, the possibility of making January fees align with the mid-month paycheck, and providing student access to the health center during the summer.  Other committees working on student advocacy are the Diversity and the Sustainability Committees.

To watch the GSG in action or to sign up to be involved in a committee, come to the first GSG meeting of the fall semester. The meeting is being held this Thursday (9/13) at 5:30 pm in Memorial Hall Room 127Meetings are always on the 2nd Thursday of each month, from 5:30-7:30 PM, with a Happy Hour to follow.  Your SAPA/SPPA representatives that attend GSG meetings are Jennifer Lazo (DISA program), Jennifer Nichols (Historical Preservation program), Allison Rice (MA-UAPP program), and Rachel Linstead Goldsmith (MPA program).  Proxies are still needed for the MA-UAPP and the MPA degree programs, so please get in touch with Allison ( or Rachel ( if you are interested!

SAPA Updates, Week 3

On behalf of the entire SAPA Board,

We would like to thank all of the students, faculty, and staff who joined us for the welcome picnic! We hope each and every one of you had a great time, and were able to meet people from the department. Please continue to support SAPA events, and we hope to see you in the future.


SAPA Board.

Below you will updates for this week:

–GRADUATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT (GSG): The GSG is holding a meeting on September 13th at 5:30PM in 127 Memorial Hall. To learn more about the GSG and how you can become an active student on UD’s campus, please click here.

–GRADUATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT (GSG) PRESENTS “A TASTE OF GRAD SCHOOL”: On Friday, September 14th, 2012, from 5:00PM-8:00PM, the GSG is inviting all graduate students to come out and enjoy a tour of some of Main Street’s (Newark) restaurants. This event is a great way to meet some of your fellow graduate students and to celebrate the beginning of the semester. To learn more about the event and to purchase a ticket, please click here.

–NATIONAL AGENDA SPEAKER SERIES: The 2012 National Agenda Speaker Series, “Road to the Presidency,” will open at 7:30PM on Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 in Mitchell Hall. The topic of the opening talk will be “Inside the Political Conventions”. The opening event will feature behind-the-scenes information from “insiders” who attended the national conventions. To learn more about the speaker series and see a complete list of events for the series, please click here.

To view additional information, updates, and upcoming events, please view our third weekly mailer here.

SAPA Board