September Post

Breathing Techniques From Our GEM Curriculum

Lazy 8 Breathing

We are going to take a moment to do a short breathing exercise to try and destress
Get in an upright seated position with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, roll
shoulders back, make sure you can breathe easily. In this exercise, you’re going to
imagine a #8 laying on it’s side, and trace the shape of the figure 8 while breathing
deeply. You can trace the lazy 8 in the air, on your desk, or on your leg.

lazy 8 breathing

Starting at the star…
INHALE for 3 seconds, as you trace the LEFT half of the figure 8
When you hit the star, EXHALE for 3 seconds, tracing the RIGHT half

This breathing technique gives us an opportunity to relax a little bit and slow our breathing.

Did You Know?

Using Vaping to Quit Smoking

Did you know that most individuals who begin vaping to quit smoking  convert to both rather than quitting?

We Would Like to Share with You

This is national resource website categorized by state to help find addiction treatment services near you.

Check out the Delaware page here: Find A Delaware Addiction Center By City


Say Yes to Your Health!


National 4-H Week Walking Challenge

2023 walking challenge

Celebrate National 4-H week by joining Delaware 4-H in a Walking Challenge,
October 1 – 7, 2023. Register by September 25, 2023 to receive your code to
submit your steps daily. Prizes will be awarded for the participant with the most
steps in each age category and the most overall steps. Pedometers will be
available for anyone needing one. Please contact your county 4-H office to pick
up one.

Register today!

NEW this year more age categories!!
Age Categories:
Cloverbud (5-7 year old)
8-10 year old
11-13 year old
14-16 year old
17-19 year old
20-39 year old
40-59 year old
60+ year old
For any questions please contact Lindsay: or Kaitlin:

Dover Youth Committee – September 2023 update:

In August, the Dover Youth Committee (DYC) continued to provide educational programming
around nu​​trition and physical activity to youth enrolled in Capital Park summer camp.
Some activities were:
● making peach parfaits
● leading discussions around healthy eating and access to healthy food by using paper food
Additionally, DYC attended a Back2School backpack event hosted by several Dover churches.
DYC promoted the importance of mental health during the school year by giving away stress balls
and journals to add to the backpacks while distributing surveys and youth member applications.

Upcoming Fall Events:
● Super Senator Day with Capital School District on October 14th from 10am-2pm.

For more information about Dover Youth Committee or to see how you can be involved, please
visit us here: DYC info

Teaching Dover youth about nutrition and access to healthy food though paper food models.

This month’s $100 Amazon Plogging Gift card goes to…


These neighbors collected over 75 pounds of garbage this month!

Way to go folks!

Dates to remember:

Walk With Ease enrollment deadline: September 15

Walk + Roll enrollment deadline: Fall September 15; Winter October 27

4-H Walking Challenge: September 25

Super Senator Day with Capital School District on October 14th from 10am-2pm