Call for Submissions

The NC State College of Design, in collaboration with the City of Raleigh Department of City Planning, is calling for case study submissions for the 11th Annual Urban Design Conference, “Density in Place: Design Works,” to be held on Friday, March 7, at the Raleigh Marriott City Center.

Summary submissions for 20-minute case studies on the theme of density are due by Friday, January 24.
Details and submission form here:

Seoul Study Abroad Trip Deadline Extended

Fall 2013 Study-Abroad Course:
Policy Management in Seoul/Seoul Field Trip (1 Cr.)


Course Overview

• Seoul, Republic of Korea, as a case study in urban governance and management

• Field trip to Seoul, October 18–27, 2012, hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) and the University of Seoul (UoS)

• Daily briefing sessions with SMG officials, UoS faculty, and other experts – topics include  transportation, environmental management, municipal finance, HR management, etc.

• Daily site visits to municipal facilities and projects – Dasan 120 (311) call center, Mapo resource recovery facility, Han River revitalization, etc.

• SMG provides seven days’ hotel accommodations (double occupancy) and meals during the site visit to Seoul. Participating students will be responsible for the costs of U.D. course tuition, transportation to and from Seoul, accommodations for the eighth night in Seoul, and incidental expenses. Program participation costs excluding tuition are
estimated to total about $2000 per student. SPPA study-abroad scholarships may be available to cover a portion (in the past this has been about half) of those costs for eligible SPPA graduate students.

Application and Registration Guidelines and Deadlines

• Graduate students only are eligible for this course and field trip, pursuant to SPPA’s memorandum of understanding with SMG and UoS.

• Applications will be accepted until August 19, 2013, at 4 p.m.
Deliver your two completed applications (one for the program itself, another for scholarship assistance) to Professor Jonathan Justice, School of Public Policy and Administration, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716

• In order to participate in the program, all accepted applicants MUST sign participation agreements, register for the designated one-credit course (UAPP 667-012), and meet all conditions specified in the Participation Agreement Form by Wednesday, September 4, 2012. Your forms must be accompanied by a program fee check for $250 payable to
University of Delaware and delivered to program administrative coordinator Ellen Fanjoy by 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 4, 2012.

Forms and Further Information



Contact Prof. Justice, 298N Graham Hall, justice@udel.edu302-831-1682