The University of Delaware offers reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities on an individualized basis. Please note that accommodations are approved based on the student’s specific needs and supporting documentation. These examples are not an exhaustive listing of all possible reasonable accommodations that may be implemented at the University. If you have any questions, contact Disability Support Services at 302-831-4643 or
Academic Aids
In certain instances, students may be permitted to use calculators, dictionaries, word processors, spell checkers, and/or grammar checkers for in-class and out-of-class work.
Alternative Classroom and Office Arrangements
DSS works with the Registrar to accommodate students who need accessible classrooms and offices. Accessibility in classrooms and offices can include: room entrance accessibility; accessible equipment and furniture; speaker systems; and preferential seating.
Alternate Formats
Accommodated students have the option of requesting course materials such as textbooks, exams, handouts, and other print material in alternative formats. These include but are not limited to electronic formats of textbooks, Braille, tactile graphics, and enlarged print. A request must be submitted in SAM using the Alternate Format menu. Students must present proof of ownership before they can receive the alternative text due to copyright laws.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is any tool that helps students with disabilities perform tasks more effectively, easily, or independently. Examples of assistive technology available through DSS include Livescribe Pens, assistive listening devices, recording devices, Kurzweil and Read & Write software, and notetaking apps. Assistive technology is provided as needed on a case-by-case basis. There are two Assistive Technology Centers on campus. One is located within the Office of Disability Support Services Suite in Room 130 Alison Hall and the other is located on the first floor of Morris Library. Both are accessible to any student at the University of Delaware for technology-assisted working or studying.
Accommodations for dining and exceptions to the dining policies and requirements due to a disability are considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who have specific dietary needs are encouraged to contact the campus nutritionist who is able to work with the various dining facilities to tailor menus. Visit UD Dining Services for more information.
Flexibility with Attendance
Flexibility with attendance is an accommodation for students who experience brief, periodic exacerbations of their disability that may interfere with course attendance. Students who receive this accommodation are permitted a reasonable number of additional DSS-supported absences beyond what is stated in the syllabus. The purpose of this accommodation is to ensure that students with disabilities are not excessively or unfairly penalized for exacerbations of their disability which may prevent them from attending class. Students are, however, expected to work with their instructors to make up any missed work. Review the Flexibility with Attendance page to understand the student responsibilities with this accommodation.
Students with disabilities who need housing accommodations (such as a single room, air-conditioning, modified bathroom facilities, strobe light fire alarms, etc) must complete a Housing Accommodations Request Form (link is below). Following accommodation determination, the student’s accommodation need is communicated to the Residence Life & Housing office. Space is limited in University Housing facilities, so early requests for housing accommodations are strongly encouraged and must be submitted by posted deadlines prior to room selection each year.
Housing Contract Release Form
Housing Accommodations Request
Interpreter, CART, and Captioning Services
DSS offers American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting, CART (Communication Access Real-Time Translation), video captioning, and transcription of pre-recorded videos for students who are eligible for these services.
Notetaking Support
There are several ways in which accommodated students can receive note-taking support. They include permission to record class lectures, requesting a volunteer notetaker, and/or using notetaking technology. Determination of the most appropriate accommodation will take place during the student’s registration meeting.
If a student is approved for a customized note-taking technology tool, the student will receive instructions, training, and support through the Assistive Technology department in the DSS office.
Scheduling and Registration
DSS collaborates with the registrar’s office to support students who need accessible classrooms, priority registration, and other scheduling accommodations.
Test Accommodations
Reasonable test accommodations include reduced distraction testing environments, extended time on tests, tests in alternate locations, scribes, computer with assistive software, test enlargement, varied lighting, allowance of food or drink during testing, and other alternatives as appropriate. Professors have the option to provide test accommodations; however, the DSS office maintains a Test Accommodation Center within its suite that can ensure students’ testing accommodations are provided.
ADA transport involves door-to-door service to classes or other University activities within the UD service area on a temporary or recurring basis. If wheelchair assistance is needed, a vehicle with the proper lift will be used. Students approved for transportation assistance will work with UD’s Campus Transportation Services to arrange a transportation schedule. All requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of need. Additional information will be provided once approved for this accommodation.
Disability Related Course Substitution
The Office of Disability Support Service (DSS) provides support for course substitutions on an individual basis when provided with sufficient information that a student’s disability substantially impacts or limits the student from learning a specific subject. All requests are determined on a case-by-case basis through the interactive process as described in the Course Substitution Guidelines (PDF)