Welcome Graduate and Undergraduate Students in Transportation & Construction Engineering. We encourage you to regularly check this page for information on DCT/T2 related activities, seminars and programs that we have to offer.
Summer Internship Program
The Delaware Department of Transportation routinely employs more than 20 students annually in its internship programs. The preponderance of the interns are University of Delaware undergraduate and graduate students. Most work during the summer months, but a few extend their internships during the academic year as well.
The University and DelDOT work together to ensure that each internship is a meaningful experience. Whenever possible, interns are assigned to DelDOT offices that match the interns’ interests and career aspirations. Other joint activities include counseling the interns and monitoring their progress.
The internship program has two goals. The first is to enable the interns to assess DelDOT as a potential employer after graduation. The second is to enable DelDOT to have a longer look at future employees than it would have during the normal hiring process.
Field Trips
The Delaware Center for Transportation and the student chapter of the Institute of Traffic Engineers co-sponsor several student field trips. These trips include visits to DelDOT headquarters in Dover, the statewide Traffic Management Center in Smyrna, the Philadelphia International Airport, and FHWA’s Turner-Fairbank National Research Center in McLean, VA. Each trip is designed to broaden the student’s interest in an understanding of the role that civil engineers play in constructing and maintaining the nation’s infrastructure. Student’s are also given an opportunity to look at these organizations as a potential future employer.
Information for Current Students
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Student Information
- College of Engineering Student Information
- University of Delaware Student Information