DCT Objectives
DCT’s primary goal is to serve as a resource to the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), other state DOT’s, local transportation agencies as well as federal transportation organizations. We promote, organize, coordinate, and support research, development, and educational activities to address the transportation needs, challenges, and opportunities facing the State of Delaware, the mid-Atlantic region, the nation, and, indeed, the world. Transportation plays a vital role in this age of information technology and a global community, and top-quality transportation research and education cannot be provided in isolation. At DCT, we maintain a continuous partnership with all the parties involved in transportation. We also strive to integrate all transportation-relevant research and education at the University with the ongoing activities of the Center, so that our undergraduate and graduate students, as well as transportation professionals, can take advantage of what we have to offer in a mutually helpful environment. Our goal is simple – to be the best transportation research and education center in the world. To that end, we have many ongoing and new initiatives that we think will help us achieve our objectives, as outlined in the box.
DCT Initiatives
Selecting, conducting, and disseminating multidisciplinary research is perhaps the most important function of DCT. Every year, through a systematic methodology, projects are identified, prioritized, and funded.
Semester-long courses, short courses, workshops, seminars, and conferences constitute the educational component of DCT. These educational opportunities are available to the university community, DelDOT, other DOTs, and government agencies, as well as private organizations dealing with transportation issues.
Technology Transfer
The T² Center was formerly within DelDOT and is now part of DCT. The T² program organizes annual workshops for transportation providers, a “circuit rider” who visits Delaware’s towns and cities to offer technical assistance with transportation issues, and distribution of research and other reports from universities and government agencies.
Distinguished Guest Speaker Series
Several times each year, guest speakers from around the world are invited to visit the Center and present talks about important transportation issues.
Technical Assistance
DCT carries out short-term projects for DelDOT and other organizations. Examples include conducting literature searches and providing hands-on training for a specific software, hardware, or method of carrying out a task.
Industrial Collaboration / Private Partnership
DCT’s Executive Directorship has a strong desire and interest to invite members of the private companies and consulting firms to join the Center and become actively involved in decision making processes. There is a great deal of mutual benefits that can be realized from our industrial collaboration/private partnership program.
Global Research
Partnership with top quality worldwide transportation education and research institutions include the exchange of ideas, scholars, research findings, and conducting joint research projects, conferences, seminars, and workshops.