Richard E. Hangen ITS Laboratory

What is ITS?

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are the next generation in the evolution of transportation technologies and services. With the use of advanced information and communications technologies, we can apply ITS to reduce congestion, improve safety and enhance the productivity of a highly mobile society.

These new information and communications technologies allow better monitoring and management of transportation infrastructure and services, so that the system can respond quickly to the public’s needs.

What is the ITS Lab?

The ITS Laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility with three focus areas – service and training facility for the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT); support the undergraduate and graduate transportation engineering curriculum; research facility for university faculty and students.

What can the lab do?

Currently, the lab can receive real-time video images of traffic conditions from DelDOT’s Traffic Management Center. In the future, the lab will be receiving data from all of DelDOT’s transportation system sensors.

The lab’s hardware and software support travel demand forecasting and simulation, signal corridor re-timing plans, system performance assessments and reports, as well as data collection and archiving.

As a training facility, the ITS Lab will support training exercises involving simulation, decision making and follow-up. The facility could develop simulations of key areas within Delaware such as the beach areas or the Dover Raceway and allow agencies to collaborate to look at alternative traffic management strategies.

The lab enhances the existing transportation curriculum by improving the quality of lab assignments.
Students are able to use real time or archived data in support of assignments in a variety of ways
including planning models, signal timing, corridor coordination plans, redesign of intersections, roundabout evaluation, as well as statistical analysis of traffic data.

For More Information, Contact:

Professor Earl “Rusty” Lee
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
(302) 831-6241