Rusty and Matt at the NLTAPA Conference

Rusty Lee and Matt Carter just returned from the annual National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA) conference in Columbus, Ohio.  This is the largest gathering of center personnel from the 51 LTAP Centers and the seven newly re-formed Tribal...

Let’s Shed Some Light on Nighttime Visibility

Nighttime visibility is a key safety factor for Delaware roads, just as it is elsewhere.  As part of the Delaware Strategic Highway Safety Plan, the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) has treated new areas across the state with enhanced highway lighting to...

A Warehouse of Safety Countermeasures

All local agencies wrestle with safety concerns, regardless of how many miles of streets they maintain.  They may be related to vehicle crashes, bike safety, or pedestrian worries.  News flash – there are no magical answers and engineering alone cannot solve all of...

Suddenly, We’re All Talking About Glass?

As part of the expedited replacement of the I-95 Cottman Avenue Exit Ramp in Philadelphia (that succumbed to a fuel oil tanker truck fire underneath it June 11th), six inner lanes will be temporarily supported from underneath with a lightweight engineered material...

Heat Illnesses – Tailgate Safety Talk

Heat stress is a problem in our industry, and not just because there’s no thermostat outside.  The other reason is because we tend to be a stubborn, determined lot.  For the most stubborn among us, that makes heat stress dangerous.  The Centers for Disease Control and...

PPE – Comfort, Fit, and Effectiveness

If you haven’t consciously thought about personal protective equipment (PPE) for your crews for a while, it’s time to block out some time on the calendar to do just that.  It is best when we can remove or limit risk of injury, but for what remains, PPE is the last...