What’s The Deal with Decorated Crosswalks

Last October, we wrote about colorful crosswalks.  As we discussed then, many local agencies are drawn to these for various reasons and they are popular in some circles.  Still, there are concerns and it is likely that they can be designed to resolve those.  For...

It’s Paving Season – Some Contracting Reminders

Many of you are gearing up to repave some of your roadways this summer.  Gone are the days when the likely paving contractor lived in the area and coached the local little league team.  Maybe you relied on that team knowing you, knowing what you were expecting, and...

Just About Any Excavation Can Kill You

Last month, we were talking about the competent person role that is required by OSHA anytime an excavation is underway.  This month, we will talk some about excavations themselves. Remember that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines...

Competent People and Your Excavations

Any time you begin an excavation, you must designate a competent person, according to OSHA standards, and we’re going to get to that in a moment.  First, we have to clear up what constitutes an “excavation.” The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)...

The Success Story Behind Delaware’s Clankers

You have likely heard of the Delaware Clankers.  At first you may have mistakenly thought they were a hockey team.  By now, you surely know that the clankers are instead a transportation innovation that fought off a corporate giant (at least for now) that threatened...

Time for Spring Cleaning…and Fixing and Patching

In a few weeks, winter may be behind us.  As such, you will soon be making the pivot from winter maintenance to spring and summer activities.  If you don’t already have one, now might be a good time to sit down with the crew for a little brainstorming and develop a...