Too Busy for Training? Try NHI’s Web-Based Courses

These days, everyone needs continuing education to keep up with new techniques, new equipment, and new materials for new roles and new responsibilities.  However, the right training courses are not always readily available when you need them.  Luckily, there...

It’s Tack Season, So Make Sure You Asphalt

For many agencies, paving season is already underway while for others it has to wait until the beginning of the fiscal year.  Either way, asphalt paving is even more stressful this year as a result of oil prices and that means that being a good consumer is more...

LTAP Centers – Support for Local Agencies for 40 Years

Adapted with permission – original by Adam Howell, Marketing and Communications Manager, New York State LTAP Center – Cornell Local Roads Program & Co-Chair of the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association Communications Work Group Each time you...

Mastics – Treatment for Cracks Too Wide to Seal…and More?

Mastic is a material that varies a bit between manufacturers and applications, but it is generally a blend of high-performance asphalt binder and engineered aggregates.  It can be used in a wide variety of applications to stop water infiltration and restore ride...

Do You Know Where Your ADA Transition Plan Is? 

Do you have a published Transition Plan to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act?  If not, you are likely exposed to more liability risk than is necessary, even if you are making some progress removing pedestrian barriers in the public right of way.  The...

How to Not Get Run Over

Those who work in public works are around heavy equipment of all kinds on such a regular basis, that they can become numb to the dangers associated with them.  It’s natural – you can’t stay at high alert all the time.  All the more reason to periodically remind crew...