by sandiw | Nov 2, 2022 | LTAP
It has been fourteen years since the Roadway Management Conference (RMC) was held in West Virginia and the 210 or so attendees praised the three-day event that benefited from great fall weather, a wide array of technical speakers, outdoor demonstrations, and lots of...
by sandiw | Oct 3, 2022 | LTAP
We know there’s no such thing as free time or spare time for public works crews. The to-do list does not end and it doesn’t take a winter vacation. But winter weather doesn’t bow to the work order schedule either, and that magical date when the first winter storm...
by sandiw | Sep 7, 2022 | LTAP
Remember back in our February 2021 e-newsletter we talked about the proposed rulemaking for the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)? Well, that’s not what this article is about, because we’re still waiting on that to wrap up. But we...
by sandiw | Sep 7, 2022 | LTAP
We overuse traffic signals, Stop signs, and Yield signs. There, we said it. Oh, we understand how it happens. There’s a minority (but substantial number) of drivers who drive…well, let’s just say it, they drive like jerks. Big, dumb stupid-head jerks. We...
by sandiw | Sep 7, 2022 | LTAP
Poison Ivy can be found in a lot of places where public works personnel need to work, so learning to identify if, avoid it, control it (if you can), and treat its rash are important precautions to make sure a minor irritant doesn’t become something worse. What is it...
by sandiw | Sep 7, 2022 | LTAP
Pavement markings come in a variety of forms (short lines, symbols, long lines) and materials (oil and latex paints, epoxy, thermoplastic, retroreflective beads). They also come with somewhat involved requirements and guidance in the Delaware Manual on Uniform...