As dedicated readers of our e-newsletter, you deserve a little inside baseball look at what to expect at this year’s Roadway Management Conference.  The outside world will have to wait for some of these details while we develop promotion materials, but this is some of the quick and dirty information.

Many of you are veterans of the RMC and know the typical layout, but in short, it is a three day conference that is about as informal as we can get away with, while still delivering a powerhouse punch of technical training, safety training, new products, new techniques, new resources, outside demonstrations, and lots of time to meet folks just like you and compare notes a bit.  But we’re adding a couple of new items this year and you will benefit from hearing it early.  How’s that for a tease?

The RMC is an annual event, hosted by the five LTAP Centers (VA, WV, PA, MD, DE) of the Mid-Atlantic Region.  We move it each year around the five states and this year it will be in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware at the fabulous Atlantic Sands Hotel and Conference Center.  There are typically around 200 or so attendees and the focus is on nuts and bolts issues that operations and maintenance personnel face at the municipal, county, and state level, but we also pepper in some content for the higher ups as well; new policies, developing regulations, funding outlooks, and so on.  There are highly relevant vendors that are ready for your tough questions and we do some variety of outside demonstrations.  Oh, and we eat a good bit.

This year, the conference formally begins around 12:30 on Wednesday, October 23.  We’ll have a couple of technical sessions and then close the day with the first outdoor demonstrations.  After that, we’ll have an opening reception with some nice hors d’oeuvres and an array of beverages (adult and otherwise, depending on your preferences).  Thursday will be more technical breakout sessions and then in the afternoon, we’ll have a longer set of outdoor demonstrations (pavement preservation, gas safety, high-voltage safety, and more).  On Friday, we’ll finish up with a few breakout sessions in the morning and wrap up before noon. In the evenings, you are free to explore the haunts at Rehoboth Beach, as well as any of the other coastal beaches if you like, get to know some new folks a little more, and talk shop, as we seemingly all are prone to do.  In short, it’s a training bonanza.

Now, this year, there will be two pre-conference opportunities on Wednesday morning and details will follow on those.  But in essence, they will be limited to a finite number of people, they’ll be free, and the first to register for the conference will get the first pick.  So, register early to make the most of the conference.  The first will be a pedestrian and ADA walkabout of the downtown area, led by an ADA expert.  The second will be a bicycle tour with another expert to highlight good and lesser practices for bicycle safety.

You can see more details, which we will add to as we go, along with registration information at our website –  We can’t wait to see you!

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