We know there’s no such thing as free time or spare time for public works crews. The to-do list does not end and it doesn’t take a winter vacation.
But winter weather doesn’t bow to the work order schedule either, and that magical date when the first winter storm sits down on Delaware is closer than you think.
Are you ready for winter storms?
Have you thought of everything? Plows and spreaders mounted and tested? Have thorough inspections ensured that all lights and other safety equipment will function properly? Spreaders calibrated? Stockpiles of salt (and/or sand), cutting edges, and other consumables made right?
Have the new crew members been briefed on what to expect when storms approach? Are safety supplies restored in trucks and loaders and have first aid kits been checked? Does everyone know where their retroreflective outerwear is? What about reminders to dress in layers?
The list goes on and you can learn more in our upcoming Winter Maintenance training (November 30). The magical date when winter takes its first crack at us is uncertain, but as October drags on and starts to tempt the Thanksgiving holidays, if your equipment isn’t ready for game day, you are playing with fire. The public can be unfair at times, but if the first storm rolls around in mid-November and you aren’t ready for it, some public criticism is probably due. So, carve out the time now to get everything ready and when the first storm hits, you’ll be glad you did.
The Delaware T2/LTAP Center’s Municipal Engineering Circuit Rider is intended to provide technical assistance and training to local agencies, so if you have winter maintenance questions or other transportation issues, contact Matt Carter at matheu@udel.edu or (302) 831-7236.
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