Chuck Ingram, this year’s President for the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA), briefed us recently about new membership options, including free member pricing and lower cost workshops coming up.  In short, government agency personnel at any level can join free of charge.  For those of us located at academic institutions, Affiliate Membership is $100 annually.

ISSA is a leading resource for pavement preservation technologies, publishing technical guidelines and bulletins, and hosting annual training workshops and conferences.  They affiliate with the National Center for Pavement Preservation, the Asphalt Institute, the International Bitumen Emulsion Federation, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association, and the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association, and collectively, these groups have a wide array of online training available, technical guidelines, and conference opportunities.

Continuing their promotion for local government involvement, ISSA’s next Slurry Systems Workshop is scheduled for Las Vegas January 17-22, 2022.  Government personnel and academia enjoy the same reduced registration ($195 for full registration) and the hotel block is $69 a night (plus taxes, tags, delivery).

In addition to the in-person workshop is a virtual workshop of several topics starting January 31, 2022 and costing $50, a reasonable opportunity for those who cannot travel to the in-person workshop.

In the meantime, check out ISSA’s website for a look at their many guidelines (on such topics as chip seal, crack treatments, and slurry seals) and technical bulletins.  Within the next couple of months, ISSA members will be able to view their updated Design & Inspection Manual for Slurry Systems.

It appears that there has never been a better time to consider joining ISSA.  Regardless of whether you join ISSA, there are some useful Guidelines, Bulletins, and other resources on their website, so check them out.

Link to PDF