Fostering Inclusive Department Climates

In Fall 2022, the UD ADVANCE team developed and launched a new workshop for department chairs, “Fostering Inclusive Department Climates.” Below, you will find the workshop materials and related resources to guide efforts at strengthening department climates.

Workshop for Department Chairs

The research-based workshop draws from a broader UD ADVANCE project on faculty retention, results of the COACHE faculty climate survey, and the social science literature on inclusive workplace climate.

Inclusive Climate Workshop Slides (for chairs)

Case Studies & Discussion Guide (for chairs)

As part of the workshop, participants shared their own strategies and tips for promoting a positive, inclusive climate. The following resource summarizes these ideas:

Strategies from Workshop Participants

Workshop for Program Directors

In addition to the workshop for department chairs, we created a similar workshop for program directors, or others working with graduate students.

Inclusive Climate Workshop Slides (for directors)

Case Studies & Discussion Guide (for directors)

Data & Research on Faculty Perceptions of Departmental Climate at UD

Experiences of Women of Color Faculty at UD

Research brief and recommendations for steps UD can take to improve recruitment, retention, and advancement for faculty of color, improve campus DEI efforts, and promote an inclusive campus climate.

2020 COACHE Faculty Climate Survey

The COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey, administered by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, allows for benchmarking the experiences of UD faculty to those of colleagues at peer institutions.