Formal Mentoring for Faculty


Faculty need a host of mentors/advocates/coaches/peers/colleagues to ensure their professional success.

Formal Mentoring

UD ADVANCE works with deans and chairs to support formal mentoring within departments. Under this program, faculty are assigned a mentor (or mentors) from within their department to help them navigate departmental, college, and university policies and practices. Read the Faculty Handbook statement on formal mentoring here. 

Resources for Mentors and Mentees

UD Policy Information for Mentors and Mentees

Resources for departments starting formal mentoring programs

Each department is different, with its own characteristics, culture, and mentoring needs. Please consider the below resources templates that should be modified to meet the needs of your department.

UD Resources for Informal Mentoring

Mentoring for Leadership Development (External Resources)

Drexel’s ELATE (Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering)
Cold Spring Harbor Workshop on Leadership in Bioscience
HERS Leadership Institutes