One of the Resident Student Association’s two core values is Programming. We strive to enhance the Residence Hall living experience by planning programs where everyone is welcome to attend. We not only put on programs as the RSA, but we also have a strong connection with Community Councils that provide programming on a smaller, Residence Hall, basis.
What We Do

Quizzo 2018
Fall: Dogs
Spring: Disney– April 23rd!

TrabantNow 2018
Blacklight Bowling and Glo-Cade
Play some Blacklight Bowling and enjoy glowing Arcade Games!
Free snacks and Entry!

Resapalooza 2018
Carnival Themed
Full of Food, Entertainment, Games, and More!

ResaPalooza 2019
Watch our Recap Video!
Programming Finance Grants
To help YOU achieve your program goals, we offer Programming Finance Grants! They are a way to receive monetary support from the RSA in order to help you plan a better program!
Grant Requests are due the Friday that is at least 2 weeks before your event.
For a request of $300 or less, our Executive Board will vote on it every Thursday night at our Executive Board Meeting.
For a request over $300, you will need to present your program to our General Assembly, where they will vote on your grant! To view an example of a past Programming Presentation, click the button below!
Here are some good resources provided by our Director of Programming, Roxana Gil-Bautista!