Welcome to the RSA Points System
How can you earn points?
5 points - Host a program with another CAB
Working with other CABs is really fun! Coordinate an event with a fellow CAB and submit details & pictures on the form here after the event. Reach out to gmar@udel.edu with any questions!
3 points - Submit a Advocacy Grant application
If you have an advocacy project for the residence halls in mind, this grant is for you! Even if we cannot fund it, we will connect you with the right contacts and help facilitate the process. Your CC will receive two points per grant. Reach out to smseth@udel.edu with any questions!
3 points - Submit a Programming Grant application
If you submit a request under $300, it will go to the RSA Executive Board; if you submit a request over $300, you must present it to the GA who will vote on it. The form is due the Friday two weeks before your event. Your CC will receive two points per grant. Reach out to (TJ) with any questions!
3 points - Submit an OTM
Submissions are typically 100-600 words and must be submitted by the last day of each month for that month. The content within them must be mainly focused on things that occured that month as well. If you have any questions about OTMs, reach out to the Director of Recognition from the NRHH Lindsay at lmj@udel.edu who oversees them!
2 points - Have 2+ CAB members at an RSA GA meeting
2 points - Host a program independently
Work with your Community Advocacy Board to hold a program or advocacy event for your residence hall. Submit the program details & pictures on the form here after the event.