






What is NACURH?

NACURH stands for the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, and it is the parent organization of RSA and NRHH. NACURH recognizes student leadership, advocacy, recognition, and service for those who live in the residence halls. With hundreds of affiliated chapters across North America, NACURH is one of the largest student-run organizations in the country. Every year, UD sends delegations to three NACURH conferences: the national NACURH conference, the Regional Leadership Conference, and the Regional Business Conference. The latter two are both hosted by our region, CAACURH.

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What is CAACURH?

CAACURH stands for the Central Atlantic Association of College and University Residence Halls. This region governs RSA and NRHH chapters in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Ohio, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. CAACURH is one of eight regions that are a part of NACURH; each host their own yearly Leadership Conference and Business Conference. They also each have their own mascot! CAACURH is the cougar!

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