This 600 MHz NMR spectrometer features the latest generation Bruker Neo console (upgraded in 2021) for optimized spectrometer operation.
In 2022, a 5-mm quadruple-nuclei QCI-P (1H, 13C, 15N, and 31P) cryoprobe was installed. This probe boasts 400% increases in sensitivity relative to a room temperature probe, and is an ideal tool for analyzing biomolecular systems, such as peptides, proteins, and DNA/RNA, as well as organometallic samples in solution. With the assistance of the Bruker BioTop package and a sample changer (SampleCase), the instrument has been utilized to automatically collect various advanced 1D, 2D, and 3D NMR data sets for biological systems on a 24/7 basis.
A conventional 5-mm triple-resonance probe (TXI) is used as a backup for the QCI-P CryoProbe.
Instrument usage is recorded by the ICONNMR software package and further processed for billing using the laboratory management software iLab. Data acquired on the Neo 600 NMR spectrometer is automatically transferred to our NMR data server.
Training and Access
Level 1 training covering magnet laboratory safety, sample preparation, sample loading/unloading, experiment selection, instrument automation, and data processing is available for all researchers at the University of Delaware and is a prerequisite for access to this instrument. Undergraduate students must obtain a recommendation from their PI to gain access.
The instrument primarily operates on a walk-up basis, accepting sample submission 24/7 without reservations. The queue operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Users needing the instrument for specialized and extended experiments should coordinate with Dr. Bai to make arrangements.
Funding Information
- Console and Probe Upgrades of 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer, NIH S10 S10OD025185-01 (Principal Investigators: William Chain/Joseph Fox) 2019-2020