The University of Delaware NMR Center supports the research efforts of over 400 users from 58 research groups across 4 colleges and 11 departments at UD as well as multiple academic and industrial collaborators in the region. The Center is home to nine NMR spectrometers ranging from 9.4 to 20.0 T (400-850 MHz in proton frequency) in magnetic field strength, with a full range of capabilities from solution to solid state to HR-MAS NMR, as well as an EPR spectrometer. Eight of these instruments are housed in the 4,650 sq ft NMR Magnet Hall in Brown Laboratory on main campus, and are connected to a helium recovery system. One instrument is located in the APBio building on Star Campus. These spectrometers are equipped with various state-of-the-art probes and other key accessories for general and specialized applications to meet the needs of our diverse user group.