The AVIII 400 MHz NMR spectrometer is equipped with a Bruker BBO Probe and a BBI probe, as well as a Bruker InsightMR reaction monitoring system. This instrument is ideal for analyzing time and air sensitive samples. It is also suitable for monitoring reaction kinetics of chemical reactions and for variable temperature (VT) NMR measurements.
The BBO probe is a two-channel (1H and X-nucleus) probe with automatic tuning and match capabilities. The observe channel (X) covers a frequency range from 109Ag to 19F. The sample temperature range of this probe is -150 to +150°C. The BBI probe is a two-channel (1H and X-nucleus) probe with automatic tuning and match capabilities. The observe channel is optimized for 1H and the decoupling channel is tunable to a broadband frequency range.
Probe Specifications:
Training and Access
Users must complete training Levels 1 and 2 to get access to this instrument.
Instrument reservations can be made through iLab. If not otherwise reserved, the instrument may be used for walk-up experiments. Reservations are limited to 1 hour- contact Dr. Bai or Quinn if you require longer time blocks.
Funding Information
- High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer, NIH S10 RR026962-01 (Principal Investigator: Joseph Fox) 2009