Reopening of the CBC NMR Laboratory

As the majority NMR users have been vaccinated, we decided to open the NMR Core Lab to all students and faculty users who have been trained to use the spectrometers immediately.
The maximum number of occupancies for 045 BRL and 049 BRL is 3 and 6, respectively.  Please choose another time to enter the lab if there are already 3 or 6 people in 045 and 049 BRL.  All University Covid-19 rules on social distance and face masks must be observed.
Briefly, one must wash hands before entering the lab, must follow the traffic flow as indicated on the floor, and must disinfect the sample depth gage, instrument touch pads, and work desktops after using the instrument. Please refers to an one-page Covid-19 lab access guidelines for details.
No access to the lab during 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM on Mondays, reserved for cryogenic services and weekly lab disinfection,   except NMR staff.
We will resume the user training programs with smaller groups immediately. Curetain NMR spectrometers may be closed to the general use if a training session is scheduled or in progress.

The NMR Facility is switching to iLab!

On August 27, 2018, the NMR Facility will be switching from the current iButton system to iLab for instrument accounting.  All users must create an iLab account before this date.  The link to iLab can be found here:

If you do not already have an iLab account you can register at this webpage as well.

We will be hosting training sessions on Tuesday August 21 and Thursday August 23 at 2:00 PM in BRL 221.  If you are a routine user of the AVIII 400, AV600, AVIII 500, or AVIII 850, you must attend one of these training sessions to have continued access to these spectrometers.

There will be no changes to automated data acquisition on the AV400 and AVIII 600.

For details on making an instrument reservation in iLab, please see the following link:

New CBC NMR Website

New CBC NMR information website and reservation system (MagRes System) is now officially open for all users.  The new website ( contains all kinds of NMR facilities related information.  Requests for user training and sample services must be submitted through new website.  The reservation of AVIII 400 and AV600 spectrometer time must be submitted through   The instrument reservation of AVIII500 will soon be available through this website.  Please contact the Director of NMR Facilities to set up an account on the MagRes System to signup for the instrument time.

Bruker AVIII 400 console

The DRX console of 400 MHz NMR spectrometer in 049 BRL, which has been served to our NMR laboratory for 18 years, has been replaced by a new Bruker AVIII console.  A brand new broadband probe (BBFO) will also be introduced.  The performance of DRX console will be missed by many.  Hopefully many will be impressed by new AVIII console.

DRX400 NMR console
New AVIII console with RF two channels

Day 28

All charging leads were taken out form the magnet. The 850 MHz magnet is now persistent. We now have an 850 MHz magnet at the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the University of Delaware. The magnet installation has come to the end.

Day 27

The cryoshimming has been worked well.  The water resonance is now nice and narrow.

Day 24

The cryoshimming has already made a huge difference on linewidth of water resonance.

Day 21

Around 6:00 PM,  the magnet was charged to the field (19.97 tesla).  A nice and broad 1H NMR signal of H2O appeared on the screen.  The broad peak is anticipated to get narrower when the cryoshimming starts next week.