Faculty Meeting III15 – 2/23/2015

Faculty Meeting – III15  2/23/15

Memorial Hall 123, 1:30 p.m. Monday

News and Announcements

  • NAFSA awarded UD its annual Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization.  There will be a major presentation at NAFSA’s annual conference.  ELI figured prominently in the submission for the competition.  Thanks to Karen Asenavage, Nigel Caplan, Ana Kim, Baerbel Schumacher and Stephen Strengari who provided data and text along with Scott’s submission.  But this is an award all ELI faculty and staff helped UD earn.
  • Russ Mason’s retirement party will be Thursday, April 2 at the Courtyard Marriott from 4:00 to 8:00 PM.  Please RSVP to Chris Smith.  We are looking for ideas for skits, songs, photographs, etc.
  • Reminder about tomorrow’s DRAMA and FILM performances: Nigel.
  • Note about the Reading Test from Joe’s morning email at 10:19 a.m. Contact Joe with questions.


  1. Next session’s estimated enrollment: 781
  2. ADS application deadline:  March 2.  Those who applied last time and wish to be reconsidered need to email Wendy Clark to reactivate your previous application
  3. Vote on proposed revisions to the level III writing curriculum.
    1. Adopted by faculty by unanimous consent.
    2. Updated curriculum to be posted here
  4. Demotions Policy reminder: students may be retained based on failing grades.  However, teachers can only demote a student to a class lower than his/her current level only if the student agrees/approves the demotion
  5. Faculty response to President Harker’s article: http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/inquirer/20150205_Universities_must_adapt_to_meet_student_needs.html#disqus_thread
    1. A General Faculty Meeting will be held on Monday, March 2nd at 3:30 p.m. at Mitchell Hall. The President will address his remarks and take questions.
  6. CEA Reaccreditation: reminder about missing 7- and 8-week timelines and the March 15th deadline for draft submission.  Thanks to those who have submitted their timelines.
  7. ADS hours over break week: Monday, March 2 (option to work from home on course development).  Submit vacation request to Karen or Joe for any days (Tuesday – Friday) you will not be here.   Consult Tim Kim’s list for testing/support assignments for Thursday/Friday.   Any ADS willing to substitute during TESOL week (March 25-27) by teaching an additional class can use that as “comp” time for Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday of break week.
Notes taken by Erin Goertz

Faculty Meeting – V14 06/23/2014

Faculty Meeting – V14 6/23/14

Williard Hall 319, 1 p.m. Monday


  1. Next session predicted numbers: 544, 100 less than expected
  2. Vote on Level IV Grammar curriculum proposed changes – vote Yes. Changes include:
    1.  Level IV: II.C.(2) — mark reported speech as “listening/speaking” (also added to the speaking IV curriculum, 2a)
    2. Level IV: section IV — change heading to “Tense, Voice, and Aspect”. Add a part B: Passive Voice with basic passive forms, past and present simple tenses, omitted “by” phrases, and intransitive verbs.
    3. Level V: part VI.B. Passive voice will no longer be “new” but will be reviewed and expanded at this level
  3. Dr. Stevens to reach out to ask for exemption from HR/Payroll directive.  Training to come via ELI HR website: sites.udel.edu/elihr .
  4. Discussion on effort and class grades.  Dr. Stevens prefaced CEA Standard Student Achievement,
    1. Stating effort and attendance may not be part of achievement.
  5. S-Contract administrative duty changes were discussed by Joe Matterer explaining sign- ups for session VI and session I.  Due to change in student enrollment numbers sign up for sessions has changed.
    1. Session VI seems to be covered, we are short for Session I.


The arrival of Rachel Lapp’s son: Theodore Lawrence “Teddy”

The retirement of Russ Mason, this is his last session.  October 16th is retirement party date.

Monday:   turn in of materials and equipment, intention forms to be collected for those students who have not completed electronically.

Wednesday:  administer course evaluations, CAP Cohort Classes: received scanned sheets, LS assessments at least one more grade this week, meeting for exceptional needs students scheduled for Wednesday, June 25th.

Thursday:  reminder about program evaluations for LS class, graduating student grades for Wednesday, any database problems contact Erin.

  1. CAP Student appeals, please have student talk directly to teachers.  For those that are appealing email to Mike Alexo and Dr. Stevens with appropriate information so that evaluation can be made.  Submit deadline is Wednesday at 6 p.m.

Friday: grades by 2 p.m., graduation at Pearson Hall, discussion about Saudi Women as far as pictures and handshaking is handled at graduation.

Discussion about awards and students chosen according to categories.  Celeste Calderon will forward to Erin the nominees.


Faculty Meeting – IV14 04/18/14

ELI Faculty Meeting IV14

Memorial 123, 1 pm on Friday, April 18, 2014

Committee Reports

Student Conduct and Attendance Committee:

Lowell presented goals and challenges for the Committee

Since Session IV 2013 we have dismissed 35 students. For Session IV 2014 there are 67 students on probation. At an April 2 meeting the Committee agreed on the following goals:

  1. Design a policy source document for the Faculty online handbook explaining promotion, retention, and matters concerning probation policy.
  2. Update the Student Handbook and section in the ELI website Current Student Portal that clearly explains the probation policy (including the combined grade percentage threshold.
  3. Discuss the issue of incompletes and effort grades at the next faculty retreat.
  4. Communicate  the Attendance Committee/ELI policies more clearly to the sponsors

Lowell reminded the faculty that they need to enter their attendance regularly each week – no later than Monday evening following the close of each week.

Advisory Committee:

Scott summarized the policies addressed this session:

  1. How faculty should handle recommendation requests from students applying to schools. Creating an app for recommendations (possibly separate for graduate and undergraduate applications) and design an e-form that students can use to request recommendations. Some questions:  Should there be a minimum GPA? A time limit?  How can teachers comment on language proficiency of a student who was in their class several years ago?
  2. Addressing religious accommodations, e.g. student not wanting to take Compass on Friday afternoons. The Committee consulted UD Legal for a policy.  Where religious accommodations unreasonably interfere with the academic experience of other students or the integrity of the academic program, then we can reasonably ask the student to comply with what we want them to do in the classroom.  Scott says it comes down to the teachers using their best judgment when confronted with a religious accommodation situation.
  3. A policy to deal with persons outside the ELL requesting permission to conduct academic experiences involving our students.  Nigel drafted a proposal that will be voted on at a later time. Eventually a policy can be posted on the ELI website that we could refer potential researchers to.

A&E Committee:

  1. Ken Hyde reported that the A&E website is still under construction.
  2. The Committee is working on clarifying the duties and guidelines for trip escorts.  The guidelines have been updated.  One issue is how to make the duties available before the trips.

Promotion and Peer-Review Committee:

Grant reports the only faculty member up for peer review this year is Mary Beth Worrilow. The Committee has finished its recommendation.  It goes now to Scott > Dean > Provost.

Newsletter Committee:

Sarah Petersen

  1. Professional activities, publications to be sent to Randall Pennington.
  2. Alumni news to Grant
  3. Classroom notes to Kendra.  Photos to Scott Duarte.
  4. Special program details to Robbie

College of Arts and Sciences Senate:

Leslie Criston and Ken Cranker

  1.  CAS will be looking at workloads for full-time faculty.
  2. Kathy Vodvarka will be sending e-mail about Provost policy that newly-hired non-tenure-track faculty be given new titles, e.g., “Assistant Professor for Instruction.” There is controversy – Dean Watson is opposed to the Provost’s policy.
  3. Programs that issue certificates need to submit them to the Senate for review.
  4. Ken Cranker reports there is a movement for making UD a tobacco-free campus. Supposedly this applies to UD-rented buildings off campus.  One issue will be enforcement.


Old Business


  1. Revised Speaking/Pronunciation curriculum is ready for faculty vote.  Nigel will send an e-mail to ask full-time faculty to vote by next Wednesday. If approved, the new curriculum will be adopted Session V.
  2. Listening Curriculum is the project for next year.
  3. Another project this year for the Curriculum Committee has been for BASIC to have a curriculum that is incorporated into our official curriculum document. We are defining BASIC as a separate program. It’s run and graded differently. Students stay in it for two sessions instead of one. This will be ready for an e-vote for Monday.
  4. One change in last year’s Grammar Curriculum — the Passive will be moved from Level III to V.


The issue of students using native language was brought up followed by lengthy discussion and opinions.

Ken Hyde feels we should not threaten students but rather use humor, respect, and other methods like relating teachers’ own stories about learning a second language.

One suggestion is to have ELI alumnus tell our students about positive benefits of using English.  Carolina has a video testimony from a former ELI student who met with her class.

Scott – we need to understand, though, the peer pressure ELI students often feel from their group if using English too much.

The challenge is to balance the need to use English with the need to remain with one’s group.

Discussion about making a series of student testimonial videos that cover a variety of issues.


Faculty Meeting – III14 2/14/14 Cancelled, Votes on proposals

The Faculty Meeting scheduled for Friday, February 14, 2014 was cancelled due to snow.

The following two proposals were voted on electronically, instead.

Monday, February 17, all faculty were invited to cast their votes on two proposals.  Voting closed on Wednesday, February 19.  In both votes, a quorum was reached.  Here are the results of the votes:

Research Proposal: Linguistic Range of Matriculating ESL Students’ Writing

In the matter of the research proposal submitted by email to the faculty by Nigel Caplan on January 29th, 2014, do you give your approval to conducting this study with ELI students as set out in the proposal?

Results: the proposal passes.

Curriculum Proposal: CAP requirements for speaking only for FILM VI

On the proposal that the Listening grade for Film L/S Level VI no longer be accepted as a qualifying grade for CAP matriculation:  be it resolved that CAP students will not be allowed to take Film L/S Level VI and substitute their Listening grade from the Film class for a non-qualifying Listening grade obtained in EAPVI; this change in policy to be implemented according to generally approved practice and according to the approved timeline for the implementation of substantive policy changes, taking effect at the beginning of Session I14: September 2, 2014.

Results: the proposal passes.


Writing Curriculum Updated!

All levels of the writing curriculum have been updated!

Current Writing Curriculum


Below is the email associated with the updated curriculum, followed by links to the updated curriculum (PDF or MS Word files).


Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the revised writing curriculum as approved by the faculty last session. The vote stipulated that the new curriculum would go into effect this session.

Level coordinators and course mentors, please make every effort to update your courses in line with the revised curriculum. I realize this is late notice, but drafts have been circulating for several months. If you find it impossible to make a complete switch this session, please let me know so that we can make arrangements. If you feel this curriculum impacts the writing rubric, please contact Walt, but I think we are in pretty good shape right now.

Lowell, and Jackie: Please update your respective versions of FacBook with these documents, dated 2/12/13.

ELI policy requires that changes to the learning outcomes on syllabi be approved by the curriculum committee and voted by the faculty. In the interests of time, I’m asking if we can suspend this requirement and let me sign off temporarily on any changes in the next few days, to be followed by faculty approval at the earliest opportunity. Only changes in line with the faculty-approved curriculum revisions should be considered at this time. Coordinators and mentors, please send me any changes you need to make to your learning outcomes only as soon as you can (the rest of the syllabus, your timeline, and assessments do not need to go through this process).

Thanks for your cooperation, and our apologies for the rush. Unfortunately, the rhythm of our life makes occasional bursts of last-minute changes virtually inevitable. The curriculum will continue to refine the revision process in the light of this experience.

for the Curriculum Committee


Writing Curriculum Approved February 2013

Writing level I

Writing level II

Writing level III // Writing Level III (Rev. Jan 2015)

Writing level IV

Writing level V

Writing Level VI

Writing EAP V

Writing EAP VI