Faculty Meeting III15 – 2/23/2015

Faculty Meeting – III15  2/23/15

Memorial Hall 123, 1:30 p.m. Monday

News and Announcements

  • NAFSA awarded UD its annual Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization.  There will be a major presentation at NAFSA’s annual conference.  ELI figured prominently in the submission for the competition.  Thanks to Karen Asenavage, Nigel Caplan, Ana Kim, Baerbel Schumacher and Stephen Strengari who provided data and text along with Scott’s submission.  But this is an award all ELI faculty and staff helped UD earn.
  • Russ Mason’s retirement party will be Thursday, April 2 at the Courtyard Marriott from 4:00 to 8:00 PM.  Please RSVP to Chris Smith.  We are looking for ideas for skits, songs, photographs, etc.
  • Reminder about tomorrow’s DRAMA and FILM performances: Nigel.
  • Note about the Reading Test from Joe’s morning email at 10:19 a.m. Contact Joe with questions.


  1. Next session’s estimated enrollment: 781
  2. ADS application deadline:  March 2.  Those who applied last time and wish to be reconsidered need to email Wendy Clark to reactivate your previous application
  3. Vote on proposed revisions to the level III writing curriculum.
    1. Adopted by faculty by unanimous consent.
    2. Updated curriculum to be posted here
  4. Demotions Policy reminder: students may be retained based on failing grades.  However, teachers can only demote a student to a class lower than his/her current level only if the student agrees/approves the demotion
  5. Faculty response to President Harker’s article: http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/inquirer/20150205_Universities_must_adapt_to_meet_student_needs.html#disqus_thread
    1. A General Faculty Meeting will be held on Monday, March 2nd at 3:30 p.m. at Mitchell Hall. The President will address his remarks and take questions.
  6. CEA Reaccreditation: reminder about missing 7- and 8-week timelines and the March 15th deadline for draft submission.  Thanks to those who have submitted their timelines.
  7. ADS hours over break week: Monday, March 2 (option to work from home on course development).  Submit vacation request to Karen or Joe for any days (Tuesday – Friday) you will not be here.   Consult Tim Kim’s list for testing/support assignments for Thursday/Friday.   Any ADS willing to substitute during TESOL week (March 25-27) by teaching an additional class can use that as “comp” time for Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday of break week.
Notes taken by Erin Goertz
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