It is noble to teach oneself, but still nobler to teach others – and less trouble.

I am supervising 3 Ph.D. students:

Past Graduate Students

Himanshu Gupta, Sebi Cioaba, June Convocation 2023, UD

  1. Brandon Gilbert – Brandon worked with me during the period 2020-2024; he published one paper in Experimental Mathematics and finished with a M.Sc. in 2024.
  2. Mutasim Mim – Mutasim worked with me during the period 2021-2023; he got a M.Sc. at UD in 2023 and due to personal reasons, moved to CUNY in summer 2023.
  3. Himanshu Gupta – Himanshu defended his Ph.D. Thesis in March 2023 and is a PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Regina, Canada starting Fall 2023.
  4. Dheer Noal (co-supervised with Mike Tait), Thesis: Spectral Turan theorems and related problems , Ph.D. 2022, Dr. Ralph Faudree Postdoc at University of Memphis since 2023.

    Sebi Cioaba, Dheer Noal, Mike Tait

    Sebi Cioaba, Dheer Noal, Mike Tait, May 2022

  5. Paul Steller, M.Sc. 2020, Thesis: A survey of the degree/diameter problem for undirected graphs, Booz Allen Hamilton, Software Engineer.
  6. Matt Mc Ginnis, Ph.D. 2018, Thesis: Combinatorial and spectral properties of graphs and association schemes, Full Stack Software Engineer at McKinney.

    Sebi Cioaba, Matt McGinnis, May 2018

  7. Peng Xu, Ph.D. 2017 – Thesis: Some topics in random walks on graphs, harmonic analysis and Rogozin type inequalities for locally compact groups, (co-supervised with Mokshay Madiman), Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) at Eastern Michigan University
  8. Weiqiang Li, Ph.D. 2015 – Thesis: Algebraic methods in graph theory, Google, Senior Software Engineer.

    Weiqiang Li, Sebi Cioaba, Jason Vermette, Villanova June 2014

  9. Jason Vermette, Ph.D. 2015 – Thesis: Spectral and combinatorial properties of friendship graphs, simplicial rook graphs and extremal expanders, Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) at Missouri Baptist University
  10. Wiseley Wong, Ph.D. 2013 – Thesis: Spanning trees, toughness and eigenvalues of regular graphs, Senior Lecturer at University of Maryland

    Wiseley Wong, Sebi Cioaba, May 2013, UD

  11. Michael Tait, M.Sc. 2011 – Thesis: The Alon-Saks-Seymour and Rank-Coloring Conjectures, Assistant Professor, Villanova University, NSF Postdoc Carnegie Mellon University;winner of the Brualdi early career prize of the International Linear Algebra Society.

    Sebi Cioaba, John Urschel, Michael Tait, March 2017, UD

Undergraduate Students

Sebi Cioaba, Noga Alon, Brandon Gilbert and Zhao Kuang Tan, November 2019

  1. Michael Trungold – Summer 2024 – spectral graph theory
  2. Jan Ahmed – Summer Scholar 2022, 2023, Winter Scholar 2023 – LPS graphs and synchronizing graphs
  3. Danielle Henry – Summer Scholar 2021 – Cospectral graphs
  4. Alex You – Summer Scholar 2021 – Flip graphs
  5. Brandon Gilbert – Senior Thesis 2020 – Optimal addressings of graphs
  6. Zhao Kuang Tan – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, undergraduate student who visited me for 6 months in 2019 On the flip graphs on perfect matchings of complete graphs and signed reversal graphs
  7. Chunxu Ji – Senior Thesis 2019 – Eigenvalues of simplicial complexes
  8. Chunxu Ji – Summer Scholar 2018 – Determining a graph by eigenvalues of simplicial complexes
  9. Brandon Gilbert – Summer Scholar 2018 – Optimal addresings of graphs and Addressing Johnson graphs, complete multipartite graphs, odd cycles and random graphs

    Brandon Gilbert, Sebi Cioaba and Chunxu Ji, UD Summer Scholar Poster Symposium, August 9, 2018

  10. Gifan Thadathil – Senior Thesis 2018 – Spectral sparsification of graphs
  11. Chunxu Ji – Summer Scholar 2017 – Graph edge coloring
  12. Abhinav Ratnagiri (Charter School of Wilmington, Summer 2017) – Abhinav sat in some of the research meetings with Chunxu Ji and Joseph Buxton.
  13. Joseph Buxton – Summer Scholar 2017 – Graphs from systems of equations over finite fields

    Joseph Buxton, Sebi Cioaba, Chunxu Ji, August 2017, UD

  14. Stephanie Clampitt – Summer Scholar 2016 – Applications of mathematics to economy
  15. Nicole DiPasquale – Summer Scholar 2016 – Investigations in network medicine
  16. Cory Cutsail – McNair Scholar 2016 – The design of effective school choice mechanisms
  17. Pasquale Zingo – Summer Fellow 2016 – Q-ary addressings of graphs
  18. Adithya Dattari – Charter School of Wilmington, high school student 2015 – Adithya worked with me on graph theory and linear algebra in summer 2015. Adithya was accepted in the MIT Primes program and did an undergraduate degree in computer science at Princeton.
  19. Yi Zhang – Summer Scholar 2015 – The connectivity of the distance i graph of a distance-regular graph

    Yi Zhang, Sebi Cioaba, August 2015, UD

  20. Nanners Lamet – Summer Scholar 2015 – Intersecting families of triangulations

    Nanners Lamet, Sebi Cioaba, August 2015, UD

  21. Yi Zhang – Summer Scholar 2014 – Constructing expanders using signed adjacency matrices
  22. Emma Kulek – Summer Scholar 2014 – The mathematics and economics of matchings
  23. Alexandra Sampugnaro – Summer Fellow 2013
  24. Michelle Markiewitz – Summer Scholar 2012 – Network addressing using biclique decomposition

    Michelle Markiewitz, Sebi Cioaba, January 2013, UD

  25. Dajun Lin – Summer Scholar 2011 – Cospectral graphs
  26. Patrick Devlin – Summer Scholar 2010 – Analysis and construction of large graphs of fixed diameter and maximum degree
  27. Michael Tait – Summer Research 2010
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