Your summer classes are available on your Canvas dashboard.

(emailed to summer session 2020 faculty on 4/29/2020)

Your summer classes are available on your Canvas dashboard. Additionally, students have been enrolled in your course, but will not see the course in Canvas until you Publish your course. If you publish your Canvas course anytime prior to the two weeks before the start of the term, enrolled students will have Read Only access to your course.

What you need to do

  1. Confirm your summer course(s) appear correctly on your Canvas dashboard.
    • If your course has multiple sections follow these steps.
    • Some faculty teaching course sections in the 190s or 150s may see separate Canvas courses for some of their sections. With the transition to remote learning for the summer session, these duplicate sections are no longer required to sort resident from non-resident students and will be automatically removed for you over the next few days.
    • If there are other problems with the way your course(s) appear in Canvas here’s how to get it corrected.
  2. If your sections were not combined per the FERPA-compliant process, please review the Course Offering rules for combined sections, cross-listed and dual-listed course setup. You may request a FERPA-compliant change in the course setup through the Office of the Registrar (
  3. Build and publish your course as usual.
    • If you do not want to use your Canvas course, do not publish the course.

Note: If your department is still making changes to your course, (i.e. adding sections, cross-listing with another course), this needs to be updated in UDSIS prior to adding content to your course in Canvas.

Ready to take your Canvas course to the next level? Try Delivering Learning Experiences Online (DLEO)! Participate as a student in a self-paced online course while learning about best practices in teaching online. Registrants can also attend optional instructional designer facilitated sessions from May 1 through May 24. Learn more and register.

Please see our previous message (below) for information about the new Canvas course creation process.

Amanda Steele-Middleton
Office of the University Registrar

Paul Rickards
IT – Academic Technology Services Team

New Canvas course creation process implemented for summer session courses

(emailed to summer session 2020 faculty on 4/20/2020)

Canvas courses should start appearing for summer classes in your Canvas dashboard on April 24th. You will receive a confirmation email when your courses have been created.

The Canvas course creation process will be automated starting summer session 2020. You will no longer need to create a catalog course each term; your courses will be created for you and will appear in your Canvas dashboard automatically. From the dashboard you can publish the courses you would like to use. 

All automatically created Canvas courses will comply with the FERPA guidelines issued by the Office of the Registrar. This change may affect how course sections can be combined. Questions regarding combining Canvas sections should be directed to The Office of the Registrar at

What you need to do:

  1. Confirm that your summer course(s) appear correctly on your Canvas dashboard.
  2. If you need to make a FERPA-compliant change to the set up of your Canvas course, submit an email request to The Office of the Registrar at We will not be able to make changes that do not comply with FERPA guidelines.
  3. Build and publish your course as usual.
    • If you do not want to use your Canvas course, do not publish the course.

IMPORTANT: After the first day of class, if there are any changes that need to be made to your course in UDSIS (e.g. sections added or removed), you or your Schedule of Couses (SOC) departmental contact must reach out to with the course name or ID prior to submitting the changes to UDSIS.

Amanda Steele-Middleton
Office of the University Registrar

Paul Rickards
IT – Academic Technology Services