Dr. Tom Kaminski recently participated in the 8th International Ankle Symposium in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where he provided the opening lecture as co-founder of the organization. While there, Kaminski was in the company of several former UD students who are carving their own niche as ankle researchers and making an impact on the worldwide stage. Pictured left to right are Dr. Greg Gutierrez (2008), Dr. Adam Rosen (2006 & 2008), Dr. Bethany Wisthoff (2019), Dr. Alan Needle (2009 & 2013) and Dr. Kathy Liu (2012). At the close of the meeting, the International Ankle Consortium Founders Award was established in honor of both Dr. Kaminski and Dr. Jay Hertel who co-founded the IAC in 2004. The award will be given every two years to a deserving student and junior research investigator to help defray costs associated with travel to the biennial event.
- UD Dept. of KAAP assistant professor Dr. Bethany Wisthoff is shown here at IAS8 presenting some of her doctoral dissertation research.
- Excited to be with former UD students who continue their research in ankle injuries to make an impact internationally. (L-R) Greg Gutierrez, Adam Rosen, Bethany Wisthoff, Alan Needle, and Kathy Liu. The 8th International Ankle Symposium is alive and well here in Amsterdam!
- Here in Amsterdam involved in the International Ankle Symposium and at the meeting of the International Ankle Consortium with colleagues from across the globe including our host Evert Verhagen at the @amsterdamumc