Seed Funds
Call for Full Proposals for the AICoE Seed Grant
(Deadline: November 27th, 2023, 5PM ET)
The AI Center of Excellence aims to serve as a catalyst for advancing multidisciplinary research across campus. The center is seeking proposals for research seed grants leveraging machine learning to complement human impact, enabling medicine, science, and engineering, and building software infrastructure enabled by AI.
We are currently soliciting full proposals from the PIs who have been selected to move forward from the Letter of Intent round. Proposals received will then be reviewed, and we aim to send out award notifications by Dec 15, 2023.
Project period will be Jan 01 2024 – June 30 2024. Awarded funds by the AICoE must be used by June 30, 2024.
Submission Requirements for the Full Proposal
Font Size: Must be 11 points or larger. Provide at least one-half inch (1/2″) margins – top, bottom, left, and right – for all pages
Page Limit: 2 pages (maximum) including figures, tables, images – but excluding references
Please submit your proposal as a PDF
What the Full Proposal should Cover:
Intellectual Merit: Does the proposal explore ideas to advance science and knowledge? If so, how?
Broader Impact (AICoE/UD/Global): How will the proposed research work and its results benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes?
Metrics of Success: How will the PI measure the success of the program quantitatively due to AICoE seed grant funding?
Investigator Qualifications and Team Science: What is your team composition and what expertise, i.e. ML/AI/DL does each team member bring to the project?
Important points to consider:
- Project period: Jan 01 2024 – June 30 2024 (6 months). Please scope your project deliverables accordingly.
- Does the proposal foster collaborations across disciplines? This is strongly encouraged
- Does the proposal include a concrete plan for how you would be using results from AICOE funding to seek external funding? Be explicit and precise when you list grants you will target with results from this seed funding.
- Impact of funding on the research – for groundwork of new research direction for PI or being used towards an ongoing project? If ongoing, what is it seeding?
Instructions to Submit the Full Proposal
Email proposal to by the end of day November 27th 5PM ET with the subject: “Proposal for Seed Funding.”
Feel free to email us at if you have any questions!