Xpert Network Panel-Best practices for Data-Intensive applications

In this video, we heard from our panelists:

  • Nirav Merchant, University of Arizona Data Science Institute
  • David A. Bader, Institute for Data Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Sandra Gesing, Center for Research Computing of University of Notre Dame
  • Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois
  • Gregory Dobler, University of Delaware Data Science Institute

about challenges in data-intensive applications, solutions to those challenges, best practices for developing such applications, and tools supporting those best practices.

The presentation files are also accessible here:

XPERT NETWORK PANEL- Tool Directory for CDI Science

In this video, we heard from our panelists:

  • Rudi Eigenmann, Xpert Network
  • Michael A Heroux, ECP (Exascale Computing Project)
  • Matthew D Jones, XDMOD (XD Metrics on Demand)
  • JP Navarro, XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment)
  • Jurriaan Spaaks, RSE (Research Software Engineer)

about Tool Directory for Computational and Data-Intensive Science.

The presentation files are also accessible here:

Xpert Network Panel- Bringing Tools Into RSE Process

Xpert Network Panel

In this video, we heard from our panelists:

  • Mary Hall (University of Utah)
  • Chunhua Liao (Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL))
  • Bob Sinkovits (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE))
  • Sameer Shende (University of Oregon and ParaTools  Inc.)
  • Karen Tomko (Ohio Supercomputer Center)

about Boosting RSE productivity through advanced tools.

The presentation files are also accessible here:

Xpert Network Panel

Xpert Network Panel

In this video, we heard from our panelists: Rudi Eigenmann (Xpert Network), Bob Sinkovits (XSEDE), Henry Neeman (Virtual Residency), Ian A. Cosden (US-RSE), Tom Cheatam (CaRCC) about the core mission of each organization, and the Networking Opportunities for Research Software Engineering, Research Facilitators & Computational Experts.