Past Events 2014-2015

Ice Cream Social

July 22, 2015                                            Grad students, postdocs, faculty

2015 Career Panel 1 2015 Career Panel 2

The 2015 WIE ice cream social was another great success! Grad students, postdocs, and faculty flocked to the ISELab to enjoy UDairy Creamery ice cream on this hot July day.

Career Panel

April 10, 2015                                      Grad students, postdocs, faculty

2015 Career Panel 1 2015 Career Panel 2

The 2015 WIE Career Panel completely filled CCM 106! This year’s panelists were Dr. Tracey Jacksier from Air Liquide, Ms. Sonali Kulkarni from Texas Instruments, Ms. Janine Barbacane from Oracle, Dr. Ale Rivas from Johnson Matthey, and Dr. Melissa St. Amand, NIH Post Doctoral Fellow and former WIE graduate steering committee chair. Thank you to these women for coming and sharing their experiences with us. We are also grateful for the Haines gift to the WIE program, which funded this excellent and diverse panel.

Spring Coffee Break

March 10, 2015                                      Grad students, postdocs, faculty

WIE members 2015 Spring Coffee Break

A large crowd gathered in the ISELab lobby to enjoy coffee and conversation during the 2015 WIE spring coffee break, hosted by the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer and Information Sciences.

International Student Workshop

January 18, 2015                                      Grad students, postdocs

Frances O'Brien 2015 International

Frances O’Brien from the Office of International Students and Scholars returned this year to give a very useful presentation on visa processes for scientists and engineers.

Meet Your Faculty Lunch with Prof. April Kloxin

November 3, 2014                                      Grad students, faculty

AKloxin1 AKloxin2

A large group of 35 crowded into 102 DuPong Hall to hear Prof. Kloxin, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, talk about her experiences as an undergraduate, graduate student, and faculty member. Thank you to Prof. Kloxin for leading such an engaging discussion. Next time we’ll order more pizza!


 Fall Coffee Break

October 19, 2014                                         Grad students, postdocs, faculty

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Around 40 grad students, postdocs, and faculty gathered in the ISELab atrium for the first coffee break of the academic year. This fall’s event was hosted by Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Pizza Welcome Lunch                                                      

September 12, 2014                                     Grad students, postdocs, faculty








Around 80 women engineers gathered in the Perkins Student Center to welcome incoming College of Engineering graduate students, enjoy pizza, and learn more about the WIE program. WIE co-chairs Bahar Ipek and Anagha Kulkarni led our now-traditional, very competitive women in engineering trivia game. The room was full of energy during our most successful pizza lunch yet!

Past events 2016-2017

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