Academic Career Panel
June 22, 2017 students, postdocs
WIE was the host of another career panel which targets academic positions. 40 students showed up in the summer heat, eager to listen to the stories of panelists about their career journeys. Then the students had the chance to ask their questions. After the Q&A session, students and panelists mingled in smaller groups to further discuss student’s concerns while enjoyed some delicious UDairy ice cream.
We would like to thank our panelists Prof. Hui Fang from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prof. Dustyn Roberts and Prof. Jenni M. Buckley from Mechanical Engineering, and our former committee member Diana Haidar who recently admitted as a faculty at Carnegie Mellon University.
Career Panel
April 21, 2017 students, postdocs
WIE was the host of an informative and fun Career Panel. This year the panel was quite diverse. We would like to thank our panelists Michelle Rudd from NASA, Xuankuo Xu from Bristol Meyers Squibb, Kristin Valente from Merck, Nicole Eno from Figg Engineering, and Melissa Boulden from Mid-Atlantic Steel.
Spring Coffee Break
March 22, 2017 students, postdocs, faculty
WIE coincided its spring coffee breaks with Nowruz, an ancient celebration of the re-birth of the earth. More than 70 people showed up at DuPont lobby to not only enjoy the sprite of Nowruz, but to meet and catch up with their colleagues from all over the campus. Two of our friends, Babak Naghizadehsafa from Department of Mechanical Engineering and Sina Rezazadeh from Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, played us some tunes. This event was held in collaboration with Iranian Student Association and UD Persian Society, and WIE hopes that it become an starting point to collaborate with other groups on the campus to have such events.
Fall Coffee Break
November 10, 2016 students, postdocs, faculty
WIE coffee breaks are always popular! This fall more than 50 people showed up at DuPont lobby to meet and catch up with their colleagues in the college of engineering. Among many faculties who attended this event, we had the honor to have the dean of Chemical Engineering department. Thank you to the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer and Information Science departments for sponsoring this year’s event.
Get To Know Your Faculty
October 24, 2016 students, postdocs, faculty
Get To Know Your Faculty Lunch is the WIE’s second event in the Fall 2016. This event is sponsored by Dean of College of Engineering in order to get the female and male students, Post docs and Faulty together to get to know much about Work-Life balance and clarify their doubts. This year we invited Prof. Arthi Jayaraman and Prof. Yuping Zeng. Event went around for an hour and half with lot of questions from the audience.
Pizza Welcome Lunch
September 14, 2016 Grad students, postdocs, faculty
Last year’s pizza lunch was so big that we moved to the Rodney Room this year! Around 80 women engineers gathered to welcome incoming College of Engineering graduate students, enjoy pizza, and learn more about the WIE program. WIE co-chairs Tess Ginley and Camil Diaz led the annual trivia game in a new format this year. A lesson learned from last year — the professors were not allowed to sit together at one table!