Tea with SWE
April 29, 2024 Grad Students and Undergrads

WIE members spilled some tea with undergraduate students part of the UD chapter of Society of Women Engineers (SWE). WIE had a great time and look forward to our next event with SWE!
Inaugural WIE Research Symposium
April 22, 2024 Grad Students, Post-docs, Faculty

The keynote speaker and inaugural WIE service award winner, Dr. Heather Doty, kicked off the symposium with a wonderful talk on her career journey and the history of WIE at UD. The keynote lecture was followed by poster presentations from about fifteen poster presenters on topics ranging from “Age-related phagocytosis of pulmonary antigen presenting cells in relation to surface charge” to “Chrondrocyte volume change and proteoglycan remodleing under inflammatory challenge”. It was wonderful to see all of the innovative research happening around campus! Thank you to all of the participants and congratulations to our WIE Service Award, Chair’s Award, Co-chair’s Award, People’s Choice Awardees, and poster presenters shown below!

February Main Campus Monthly Coffee Hour
February 23, 2024 Grad Students

WIE hosts monthly coffee/tea/snack hours on main campus and STAR campus to create a space to meet and socialize! Please join us on the second Friday of the month at STAR campus and on the fourth Friday of the month on main campus. Times and locations are sent out prior to each event by WIE department representatives, so please reach out to us if you have questions about attending
Graduate Women In Engineering and Undergraduate Society of Women Engineers Mentoring/Friendship Bracelet Making Event
October 16, 2023 Grad Students and Undergrad Students

WIE and SWE kick off a graduate-undergraduate student mentoring program with a friendship bracelet making event.