
 our newly elected senators


Student Affairs Senators

A total of 2046 votes were cast for our Student Affairs Senators. Congratulations to all who ran. 

Shivam pathak

Student Affairs Senator

About Shivam

Hello! My name is Shivam Pathak and I am currently a freshman at the University of Delaware. Who is a true leader? As I became a part of organizations such as Business Professionals of America (BPA), DECA, FFA and NHS in high school, this question was answered quite easily. I was given the honor to be a state officer for BPA which was a life changing moment. Through this I came in contact with the state legislature and leading fortune 500 companies, as I made my network stronger, I got the answer to my question. A true leader is one who works for the betterment of their people, one who is time efficient and time bound and lastly a true leader is one who has self-confidence and self-respect. If given the opportunity to be a Student Affairs Senator, I will do all in my power to help and succeed in enhancing student life at UD.

Votes Received


yaren usul

Student Affairs Senator

About Yaren

Yaren Usul is a freshman running for Student Affairs Senator. She is a chemistry major who plans to also minor in business. Her past leadership experiences will assist her in being the best representative she can be for the student body. She will make it her top priority to listen and settle any concerns YOU may have. She is skilled in connecting with her peers as she was President of the Student Government Association at her high school. She is running for Student Affairs Senator because she wants to be the advocate for the University students and help promote unity. Yaren’s determination and compassion will make her the best candidate for the position.

Votes Received


Brian chansky

Student Affairs Senator

About Brian

Brian Chansky is a first year marine sciences major from just outside of Boston, Massachusetts. He is a committed student leader, serving as class VP during high school, while also serving on multiple school improvement committees and student panels. At UD, Brian looks to continue this work by serving as a Student Affairs Senator, working to make your UD experience UnifieD. This means finding better ways to connect students to each other and UD from afar, and helping cultivate and engage an inclusive UD community, now and once students are back on campus. Brian wants to make sure that everyone is getting the quality UD experience that they signed up for. When he’s not busy being a student leader, Brian enjoys playing volleyball, meeting new people, discovering new music, watching reality TV, going on picnics with his friends, and going to the beach.

Votes Received


Julia Hatoum

Student Affairs Senator

About Julia

Julia Hatoum is a freshman from Hockessin, Delaware. She is a Chemical Engineering major who hopes to minor in Environmental and/or Biochemical Engineering. She is also in the Honors program and a member of the Access:Ability Scholars program. She believes she has the skill set to improve the way we handle remote learning. She is knowledgeable on new and unconventional applications that could help with the social aspect of university life. She even has experience helping create an online application that could be used for the purpose of linking students together. Such improvements would help students meet and create friendships, stay connected, change their way of learning, improve mental health, and create a sense of belonging. Julia believes that our distance from campus does not need to correlate to the feeling of isolation and sees clear ways to improve community connection online.

Votes Received


nicholas schrieber

Student Affairs Senator

About Nicholas

In my term, I have been the most active Student Affairs Senator. I have introduced and passed multiple resolutions to increase transparency and hope to have earned your vote for re-election.

Votes Received


justin abreu

Student Affairs Senator

About Justin

Justin is a freshman from Little Falls, New Jersey, majoring in Political Science. During his high school years, Justin was a vocal member of the Student Senate, where he served as Corresponding Secretary. In this position, Justin fought for the best interests of his peers, organizing events which sought to raise funds for the school’s special education department, as well as suicide prevention charities. Through the Student Senate, Justin has also worked hand in hand with the Board of Education, ensuring that students’ needs were being met in his high school. In running for Student Affairs Senator, Justin hopes to use his experience in student government to continue to fight for inclusivity, but on a different campus. As a member in SGA, Justin’s overall goals will be the same, while also addressing the difficulties which Covid-19 have caused the school, to ensure that all blue hens have a smooth semester. 

Votes Received


Prasanna Krishnamoorthy

Student Affairs Senator

About Prasanna

Prasanna is a freshman from Hockessin, Delaware, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He has served in several leadership/representative positions throughout high school, including President of student government and team captain of his varsity cross-country/track teams. As President, he has organized preparations for dances, pep rallies, and fundraisers for a thousand students. When his high school graduation was close to cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations, he helped ensure its safe occurrence by Zooming with faculty, gathering input from hundreds of students through his surveys, personally crafting a detailed plan for the ceremony, and advocating for these plans to admin. Prasanna is running for Senate to bring to our UD community his skill, decisiveness, and openness to listen and act on your concerns. He’ll campaign for an on-campus spring semester, easier Zoom schedules, greater professor availability, discrete accessibility to UD’s mental health resources, better virtual social events, and campus sustainability.

Votes Received


sarah scott

Student Affairs Senator 

About Sarah

Sarah is a sophomore from Long Island, New York majoring in Energy and Environmental Policy, with a minor in Public Policy. Sarah is currently a UNIV101 peer mentor at UD, where she works to help freshmen adjust to campus. In addition, Sarah has a history of leadership from her high school field hockey team as captain, and worked to improve the team and the game experience for all of her teammates. She is excited to be able to make improvements in the UD community to make it a better place, where all students can feel included, safe, and comfortable. Sarah is a major advocate for social justice movements, such as justice for all races, genders, religions and sexual orientations. Sarah’s passion for these will be evident in the work she will do in SGA, as she has a desire to make all of these things a priority for student life.

Votes Received


Samantha Namit

Student Affairs Senator

About Samantha

Samantha is a freshman from Nanuet, New York, majoring in exercise science. Student Government has always been a part of her life. She was involved in Student Council throughout middle school and carried her love for this club to high school where she was elected Secretary 3 years in a row and Vice President her senior year. Samantha is excited to bring her ideas and experiences to this position. Samantha is familiar with being transparent with her class because she has worked with social media to prioritize and keep her school up- to-date on all events and fundraisers. Community service has always been an important aspect in her life. She believes that volunteering teaches compassion and understanding, something you simply can’t learn in a regular classroom. Volunteering is something Samantha values and being a part of SGA will allow her to continue her passion while making a difference for students.

Votes Received


Academic Affairs Senators

All of our Academic Affairs Senators ran uncontested races. They were only eligible to receive votes from other students in their college. 

Dervla Doherty

Academic Affairs Senator: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

About Dervla

My name is Dervla Doherty and I’m a junior honors pre veterinary and agriculture and natural resources double major with a minor in wildlife ecology and conservation. I have spent the past year working as the Academic Affairs Senator for SGA and I have loved strengthening the bond between the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources with the rest of the student body. Additionally, I am a member of the professional agricultural sorority, Sigma Alpha, which allows me to develop my professional skills while also providing a platform that I can utilize to promote my ideas from SGA.

Votes Received


Talley Ridegeway

Academic Affairs Senator: College of Arts and Sciences

About Talley

As a Native American woman, it’s my duty to uphold the University of Delaware’s promise of diversity and inclusivity for all, especially within the College of Arts and Sciences. With it being the largest college on campus, it’s imperative that I introduce legislation to make sure awareness and sensitivity is being encouraged in the classroom. We have to ensure that today’s students, but tomorrow’s leaders and professionals are properly equipped to interact with all people. I have leadership experience, having served as the student representative on the POLYTECH School Board of Education for the 2018-2019 school-year. As a student leader within the Youth in Government program through the YMCA, I fulfilled leadership roles three out of my four years in the program. My passion for advocacy empowers me to spend my remaining time at UD fighting for equality and justice for all within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Votes Received



Academic Affairs Senator: College of Health Sciences

About Tori

Hello! My name is Tori-Lynn Glover and I am a Sophomore, majoring in Medical Diagnostics focusing on Pre-Med. My ultimate goal is to attend Medical School and become a Dermatologist also owning a private practice and being a mentor to students interested in the health field. am running to be the Health Sciences Academic Affairs Senator because I currently serve as a STAR Ambassador and conduct undergraduate research at STAR campus. I am also the NSCS VP of Social Media, a FYS peer mentor, and served as a Student Affairs Senator last year! I know that if I am chosen for this position I will bridge the gap between professors and students in this department. College can be tough, but it is essential to interact with your professors. It would be my honor to give you the push you need to succeed. Choose Tori-Lynn Glover to serve as your Health Sciences Academic Affairs Senator 2020-2021!

Votes Received


Paige Aldred

Academic Affairs Senator: College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment

About Paige

Paige is a sophomore from Chester County, Pennsylvania, majoring in Environmental Science with a concentration in Marine Science. Previously, she served as a Student Affairs Senator and was a student representative for the Undergrad Student Affairs Committee. Paige has been involved in campus improvements in the library and has been an influential voice in decisions and policies regarding undergraduate student academics. All of her previous leadership roles have given her the experience to be able to speak up, act, and make a change. Paige’s main goal is to ensure sure that every student in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment is heard and represented.


Votes Received


Brenden Swanik

Academic Affairs Senator: College of Engineering

About Brenden

Brenden Swanik is a second-year Honors Biomedical Engineering student from Moorestown, NJ. Currently he is a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and would love to become your College of Engineering Academic Senator. UD is on the frontier of innovation both in culture and technology and he wouldn’t want anything more than to contribute to that cause. Throughout Brenden’s time at UD, besides learning of its unlimited ability to expose students to new cultures, schools of thought, and communities, this university has sparked a passion for innovation and inclusion. He hopes to inspire you to explore these various opportunities allowing the College of Engineering to spread its wings and optimize the University of Delaware experience for all of its students. Brenden loves working with others, is always listening and is striving to achieve a timeless and priceless college experience which you all deserve.

Votes Received