SGA Senators were hard at work creating and passing important resolutions for the October Senate session. 

One of the resolutions to pass was the Accessible Facilities Communication authored by Accessibility Senator Isabella Haigney and Vice President of University Affairs, Julia Hatoum. The main goal of this resolution is to create a collaboration with Disability Support Services (DSS), Facilities, and the University Police Department (UDPD) to notify students about temporary facility issues through the UD Alert System. 

“There is a huge disconnect between DSS, which is the Disability Support Services, students, and facilities so hopefully [this] resolution will work to help close that gap,” Haigney shared.  

Isabella Haigney, who is enrolled in the Accessibility Scholars Program, interviewed with the Cabinet during the summer of 2022 for a different senator position. Haigney expressed that one of the main issues that she is passionate about is accessibility on campus for all. The SGA Cabinet was working on establishing the new position and decided she would be a perfect fit. The Accessibility Senator provides a student voice to DSS, Facilities, and UDPD.

Haigney and the entirety of SGA is excited for the Student Body Town Hall on Accessibility: Physical, Educational, and Mental which will be held on Wednesday, November 30th. This is an opportunity for students who have questions or concerns about this topic to speak to the panelists, which will include administrators from DSS, Warner Hall, Student Life, Accessibility Scholars Program, and more. The Accessibility Senator expressed how important this Town Hall is.

“I am only one person, I only have one type of disability,” Haigney said.  

This is a chance for others to have their voice heard and help make a difference in the UD community. Haigney hopes after this event she will have a better understanding of what students with different disabilities need and will be able to push certain agendas in order to help them.

Do you have an idea or issue you would like dealt with on or around campus. Reach out to one of our SGA Senators! 

Also, check out the other resolutions passed in October and November by following @udelsga on Instagram and look out for the Accessibility Town Hall being held on November 30th from 6-8pm in the Perkins Lounge.

This blog post is written by our IT Senator, Esha Shah and Public Relations Senator, Caroline McCormick